Archaean field
linux world (or penguin) long ago as an approach that was less experienced users, making distribution easier to install and operate. Perhaps one of the most striking and effective aspects of these efforts are the Live-CD (or Live DVD) of the different distributions. The images of discs, downloadable free from the internet, once burned to a CD or DVD can boot any computer operating system usually contain without having to uninstall or partition internal hard drives. So are a great way to test before use.
Moreover, Linux Live CD usually contain a complete collection of office applications, multimedia, databases, etc. that meet the needs of most users. In addition, automatically detect the computer's hardware, and if this is not strange, they are able to configure the video, the internet, or printers and peripherals. It really is something amazing.
Linux, in my view, has many advantages and only two drawbacks. Advantages: free, virus-free, safer, runs faster, requires less powerful computers, and other than certain that the pro Linux users would be responsible for reciting. Drawbacks: First, although systems are becoming more friendly, Linux users always end up compiling something or modifying a configuration file for hair that something works. And of course, need to know to do so. Secondly, the subject of applications. Most software packages in widespread use have their equivalent in Linux, that does not detract in no paid software, but there is always an application which has not its equivalent free project, although the latter can be overcome by using an emulator windows, like wine, it works really well. Posts
and on what is linux and a live CD, let's what we want. Archaean is neither more nor less than a Live DVD based on Kubuntu specially prepared for archaeologists.
other words, downloaded the image, the roast on a DVD, put it in the DVD's, start the computer and we see a desk with lots of useful applications for archaeological practice. Let's take a look, because he deserves it.
The desktop that appears to Arche is KDE, which will be familiar to Windows users. Within the K menu (start menu equivalent) applications of this distribution are classified by general tasks (multimedia, productivity, etc) but there is a specific entry for archeology, with subfolders classified by CAD, photogrammetry, database, gis, gps ... Almost there are applications to carry out any archaeological work, both conventionally and so advanced. Cad
As QCad Community Edition integrates with which you can do everything that we normally do with Cad archaeologists. And this is one of the strengths of distribution: a CAD-fledged, comprehensive and free. For other common tasks we have OpenOffice, Inkscape, Gimp, etc. Within the distribution
also include some applications to perform more complex tasks. It amazes me two sets of applications: from photogrammetry and LaserScan. The first group consists of different packages, with varying degrees of difficulty that can be used to obtain 3D models from these photogrammetric techniques. And the second group gives access to many other applications to manage 3D Scanners, it seems that little by little they spread in our environment.
Finally, mention that includes more than enough group of GIS applications: Grass, uDig, SAGA, QGis i OpenJump. Archaean
has two other strengths. The first is the capacity installed in your computer's hard drive, partition if necessary. The truth is nothing new, since it is a common option among the Live CD GNU / Linux. But there it is.
The second is much more important and have much, but much depth. And is that Arche is in itself a subproject of OpArc (Open Archaeology), which aims to implement the philosophy of FOSS (Free Open Source Software ) to archeology. Thus, it comes to sharing software, knowledge, ideas (research) and data. Each of the 4 subprojects OpArc is extremely interesting, but the most impact for us in this post is to Digital Archaeological Documentation. This is an effort to draft and deliver to the community (especially archaeologists) tutorials on how to use the programs contained in Arche specific tasks. The tutorials are presented in English, German and Italian, with uneven development as language. If I may colloquial terms say that there is much material stuck in there, so it should be read slowly, taste, learn and integrate into our arsenal of techniques. So I do it myself.
To be totally objective, however, would three shortcomings in the project. First, the limitation of language, especially for those (increasingly less) who do not read any of the three languages \u200b\u200bof the project. But it would be nice to climb up a English university in the car and provide at least the translations.
The second is a specific lack of Archean, but a more general: the absence of a registration system excavation data more or less standard, open source. It is this aspect that is really true that "everyone has his little book" and that the ballot was generally solved by providing a database manager with ability to manage forms. But I understand we need a method of registration for excavation that is fairly consensual. And if possible with associated software, the better. And the third aspect
actually relates to the last. And is that arche not include a specific program to create diagrams Harris. Inkscape or Openoffice certainly lend themselves quite well to the topic, but include such Day in distribution would be a good option. Although we must accept that the options for generating diagrams Harris are few. Take a look for example at the adventures Arqubun tried to generate diagrams in linux: I , II and III . Arche is
work Arc-Team, a company based archeology Cles (Italy), which is to be congratulated warmly.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Brown Discoloration The White Of A Dog's Eye
in February 2007 in Las Vegas, Potrerillos, Mendoza
In Mendoza seems that condors are not lacking, it is common to see them when you go to the west, is ie to the side of the hills.
What it's missing are targeted educational campaigns directed and continuous for the general population in Mendoza, and the residents and owners of rural estalecimeintos the foothills and mountains, on the importance of these animals to the fragile ecosystem, its biology and feeding habits scavengers.
In Mendoza seems that condors are not lacking, it is common to see them when you go to the west, is ie to the side of the hills.

In February 2007 we decided to find a hummingbird in the foothills as we rarely miss photographing two young Andean Condor close to 15 hours in the vicinity of Las Vegas, Potrerillos Département de Las Heras.

What it's missing are targeted educational campaigns directed and continuous for the general population in Mendoza, and the residents and owners of rural estalecimeintos the foothills and mountains, on the importance of these animals to the fragile ecosystem, its biology and feeding habits scavengers.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Remove Scratches Aluminum
With the Family in August 2008 Apececha
This beautiful winter day we see and photograph an adult and a youth who seemed to frolic in the sky.
Another example of the wholesomeness of the condor population of Mendoza, where tourists and in this case Necochea, they were marvels of this magnificent spectacle that they gave copies.
This beautiful winter day we see and photograph an adult and a youth who seemed to frolic in the sky.
Another example of the wholesomeness of the condor population of Mendoza, where tourists and in this case Necochea, they were marvels of this magnificent spectacle that they gave copies.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Syphilis Meaning In Hindi
Diet and distribution.
Dieta: en la naturaleza, consiste principalmente en carroña de animales grandes y medianos muertos. En algunos lugares de la Cordillera (en Mendoza) se han observado en inviernos rigurosos, alimentándose en los basurales cercanos a los centros de esquí.
Juvenil en la cordillera con el buche lleno.
Los cóndores cubren grandes distancias volando (en general planeando) en busca de comida. Se calcula que su radio de acción es de unos 5000 km2.
En cautiverio ingieren generalmente carne vacuna (a veces carne equina), cuatro veces a week, chicken giblets twice a week and one day become a liquid diet. Need to drink large amounts of water.
Geographical Distribution: Exclusive
South America, from Ecuador in the Andes, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina to Tierra del Fuego. Would have become extinct in Venezuela. In Colombia there are important conservation work.
in Argentina are the largest and most prosperous populations of Andean condors.
Dieta: en la naturaleza, consiste principalmente en carroña de animales grandes y medianos muertos. En algunos lugares de la Cordillera (en Mendoza) se han observado en inviernos rigurosos, alimentándose en los basurales cercanos a los centros de esquí.

Juvenil en la cordillera con el buche lleno.
Los cóndores cubren grandes distancias volando (en general planeando) en busca de comida. Se calcula que su radio de acción es de unos 5000 km2.
En cautiverio ingieren generalmente carne vacuna (a veces carne equina), cuatro veces a week, chicken giblets twice a week and one day become a liquid diet. Need to drink large amounts of water.
Geographical Distribution: Exclusive
South America, from Ecuador in the Andes, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina to Tierra del Fuego. Would have become extinct in Venezuela. In Colombia there are important conservation work.
in Argentina are the largest and most prosperous populations of Andean condors.
Rims Rent To Own Phoenix Az
breeding birds in captivity and their reintroduction into the wild
DE: CONCERFORUM Hi all, I attached a story that appeared in press ( ):
EFE - EFE Oscar Menéndez - Madrid - 24/06/2008 20:01
in recent years has increased the breeding birds in captivity and their reintroduction into the wild. In theory, this practice is designed to protect certain species whose survival is in jeopardy, as the bearded vulture, imperial eagle and the grouse.
However, the environmental group SEO / BirdLife yesterday reported that this type of program is more in fashion that respect for diversity.
There are two ways to solve problems of species conservation. On the one hand, it can be done in situ, ie on the ground to implement necessary actions. And, second, it ex situ, through captive breeding and reintroduction. The logic would practice in situ, if possible. "Captive breeding is a sad day," said Alejandro Sanchez, Executive Director of SEO / BirdLife, "because it is proof of failure. And we should do just because everything else has failed. "
In Spain, this phenomenon seems to be happening in reverse, claim Sanchez: "The government sold us that can make roads or airports because then always can releasing captive-bred species. And this is a very perverse message, and a distortion of what these programs really mean. "
analyzes the major projects of captive breeding and reintroduction of threatened bird species in Spain show that only a handful of them meet the minimum requirements. The conditions that should put together a plan of this nature includes the idea that all ex situ actions should be performed only in exceptional circumstances. New diseases
The international scientific consensus states that ex situ actions are also environmental risks. The newly introduced copies can spread new diseases to the natives. In other cases, insists the NGO, the genetic change to usher in species from other areas.
from SEO / BirdLife government is accused of using these programs for aesthetic purposes: "The loose birds are very sexy, ideal for someone to sell as a defender of nature," he added.
In SEO / BirdLife has carried out a census of 119 such projects. One of the most valued is the recovery of the imperial eagle in Doñana Park. And the information provided yesterday by the Andalusian indicate that this species has doubled its presence over the past eight years. Interestingly, the experience of Doñana is one of the few in Spain, with a recovery plan, which is one of the requirements of the conservation partnership.
However, despite the optimistic figures of this community, Alejandro Sanchez is not so: "If these numbers are so good in situ, should be explored then the need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in captive breeding projects ".
Mario Diaz, a researcher at the Natural Resources Institute of the CSIC and member of the Scientific Committee SEO / BirdLifeCSIC:
"Nowhere to release the birds"
Some breeding programs and reintroduction of birds, can be negative?
I think a lot, basically, hurt, because they are detrimental to the preservation in situ. Animals are raised, but if their environment is degraded, there is nowhere to drop. Is how to apply chemotherapy to prevent cancer.
There is considerable scientific literature on this subject.
There are few publications and programs are often not transparent. Most projects work with trial and error. If it works, great, but if not, do not learn anything. Should develop protocols that enable learning from mistakes. That means the introduction of controls, which is now practiced.
But it is not a scientific problem, but political.
course. What Our concern is that in this country those tools are not practiced. Attitudes are disguised as conservatism has nothing to do. Scientifically, things are clear. Now governments need to take these scientific criteria.
Regards, JC
JC Fernández-Ordóñez from Terrassa (Barcelona).
Xuan Review Highlights: "Whenever possible I believe it is better to protect natural habitats where birds live and reintroduction."
DE: CONCERFORUM Hi all, I attached a story that appeared in press ( ):
EFE - EFE Oscar Menéndez - Madrid - 24/06/2008 20:01
in recent years has increased the breeding birds in captivity and their reintroduction into the wild. In theory, this practice is designed to protect certain species whose survival is in jeopardy, as the bearded vulture, imperial eagle and the grouse.
However, the environmental group SEO / BirdLife yesterday reported that this type of program is more in fashion that respect for diversity.
There are two ways to solve problems of species conservation. On the one hand, it can be done in situ, ie on the ground to implement necessary actions. And, second, it ex situ, through captive breeding and reintroduction. The logic would practice in situ, if possible. "Captive breeding is a sad day," said Alejandro Sanchez, Executive Director of SEO / BirdLife, "because it is proof of failure. And we should do just because everything else has failed. "
In Spain, this phenomenon seems to be happening in reverse, claim Sanchez: "The government sold us that can make roads or airports because then always can releasing captive-bred species. And this is a very perverse message, and a distortion of what these programs really mean. "
analyzes the major projects of captive breeding and reintroduction of threatened bird species in Spain show that only a handful of them meet the minimum requirements. The conditions that should put together a plan of this nature includes the idea that all ex situ actions should be performed only in exceptional circumstances. New diseases
The international scientific consensus states that ex situ actions are also environmental risks. The newly introduced copies can spread new diseases to the natives. In other cases, insists the NGO, the genetic change to usher in species from other areas.
from SEO / BirdLife government is accused of using these programs for aesthetic purposes: "The loose birds are very sexy, ideal for someone to sell as a defender of nature," he added.
In SEO / BirdLife has carried out a census of 119 such projects. One of the most valued is the recovery of the imperial eagle in Doñana Park. And the information provided yesterday by the Andalusian indicate that this species has doubled its presence over the past eight years. Interestingly, the experience of Doñana is one of the few in Spain, with a recovery plan, which is one of the requirements of the conservation partnership.
However, despite the optimistic figures of this community, Alejandro Sanchez is not so: "If these numbers are so good in situ, should be explored then the need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in captive breeding projects ".
Mario Diaz, a researcher at the Natural Resources Institute of the CSIC and member of the Scientific Committee SEO / BirdLifeCSIC:
"Nowhere to release the birds"
Some breeding programs and reintroduction of birds, can be negative?
I think a lot, basically, hurt, because they are detrimental to the preservation in situ. Animals are raised, but if their environment is degraded, there is nowhere to drop. Is how to apply chemotherapy to prevent cancer.
There is considerable scientific literature on this subject.
There are few publications and programs are often not transparent. Most projects work with trial and error. If it works, great, but if not, do not learn anything. Should develop protocols that enable learning from mistakes. That means the introduction of controls, which is now practiced.
But it is not a scientific problem, but political.
course. What Our concern is that in this country those tools are not practiced. Attitudes are disguised as conservatism has nothing to do. Scientifically, things are clear. Now governments need to take these scientific criteria.
Regards, JC
JC Fernández-Ordóñez from Terrassa (Barcelona).
Xuan Review Highlights: "Whenever possible I believe it is better to protect natural habitats where birds live and reintroduction."
Monday, November 10, 2008
Best Value Camera Tripod
Condor flying over the city of Mendoza
Condor flying over the Cerro de la Gloria in the city of Mendoza. Mauricio Acosta had the possibility of photographing the November 6, 2006 a condor flying over the Cerro de la Gloria.
is appreciated down power lines going to the Favorita
The following neighborhoods are west of Cerro de la Gloria.
Here the latter one picture away from the left of the monument.
Thanks Mauricio for the photos.
Condor flying over the Cerro de la Gloria in the city of Mendoza. Mauricio Acosta had the possibility of photographing the November 6, 2006 a condor flying over the Cerro de la Gloria.

Neuquén This tourist took the first picture totally amazed by the spectacle.
The animal is a juvenile male condor.
Make wide circles between the Cerro de la Gloria and the hills west of the city of Mendoza.
The next hill is clearly the horseshoe, which encuetnra west of and behind the police station is Dalvian Quarter.

Here is part Fair dela Aconcagua and behind the St. Augustine Beach Police.

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Mount And Bladeregistration Cod
I guess as many archaeologists could dream really can carry a computer operating the excavation. The reason is easy to understand: all the notes he took, all the data we generate, and all the sketches we draw are usually on paper and in one way or another end up being typed or scanned to your computer. So have a computer in the excavation work could save us, and avoid mistakes. Where do I sign up?
A priori, the reigning technological optimism and the wide range of devices that can operate in the field seems wide and suitable for this type of work and environments. We PDAs with GPS, lightweight notebooks, etc. The question is: Are they really operating?.
A little to try to use a computer in excavation we realize that, first, a field team must meet certain requirements and be able to overcome so many difficulties. Namely
1 - The size. Interested teams as small as possible. For example, for a single record of data and word processing, a PDA with an external keyboard can be an excellent choice.
2 - battery life. The most common portable batteries tend to last a maximum of two hours, and the same goes for handhelds, but we usually be many more hours. So we must ensure availability of equipment and devices that meet this constraint, ie, spare batteries and / or as we noted in another post , solar chargers.
3 - The brightness of the screen. Conventional computers are not exactly adapted to work in the open, so that in a few words can hardly see a damn. There are however appropriate screens for these environmental conditions.
4 - And most importantly, durable. Ie, that support hands full of dirt, dirty, dust in the air, high humidity (eg in caves), shock, etc. Can you imagine for example a macbook air muddy and grated screen? A true aberration.
In fact, much of what we are talking about refers to the concept of computer "ruggerizado ( rugged computer in English). Device is ready to survive the most harsh and extreme conditions. To be considered and must also comply with certain standards , and logically everything for a price.
Among the brands that have computers ruggerizeds I found the series of ThoughBook Panasonic , equipment companies Armor, Ergo, Itronix , TerraLogic or other enough. To find out what prices we are talking to us with a desirable Panasonic Toughbook CF-U1 we prepare € 1900 or more.
sometimes so there are covers or casings ruggerizadas for certain devices that allow use with certain guarantees. For example, for Asus R2E , there is a FUNDIT ruggerizada worth only € 140 for nothing.
A type of teams that have entered strongly in the market are the ultraportable Asus eeePC opening the gap. They are portable, low cost (about 300 €), light, and adequate benefits for the purposes we care about. They are resistant to shock, but if they suffer a mishap does not hurt us as a team dearly. Take a look .
In the world of PDA's are also many models designed to withstand harsh conditions and even extreme. Many of these handhelds are commonly used to download data from the surveying equipment, and are intended for stronger military. Of course the price increases with respect to the conventional PDA. A good collection can check the here. And as in the case of laptops, there are rugged covers that help protect our environments. See for example it on ebay.
So many of the disadvantages of a computer lead to the excavation and is fully operative are fixed technically. You just need money, some money and add some more money. The privileged in the budget are in luck (as always).
Sunday, October 26, 2008
What Goes Well With Dark Blue Top
I am in full reorganization of links in this blog, so if you have a link you think should be included, Send these via a comment.
The post of "Field Computers" soon!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
6v Battery Chargerschematic
Meanwhile Panoramas
A panoramic photo or image is one that shows a continuous scene that has been obtained or some kind of special camera or through partial melting of different shots.
The panoramic image can be of two types: spherical and partial. The spherical or circular (or immersive full-spherical) covers 360 degrees of vision and should be viewed with special software so that we can interact with the image as if we were really at the point of view of the camera and tours upon ourselves to see elsewhere. The partials are conventional digital images, as its name suggests, show a wide scene but not necessarily complete.
The procedure for obtaining panoramic images from many others is known as partial stitching, and is actually quite simple: photograph a certain overlapping parts of the objective order, downloaded or digitized pictures on the computer and apply a program merging the images to get one. It seems to be no limits to the size the final image .
Its usefulness in Archaeology is beyond doubt.
The first contact I had with this type of program was one of the utilities that come with digital cameras, namely Canon Photostich (I guess it must have equivalent programs in other brands). Using PhotoStich merge images is very simple and the results can be really good, especially if you use a Canon and respect certain rules of logic (areas of overlap, horizontal, etc.).
However, if we really control the fusion process, with all kinds of cameras and above using free software, the solution is the Panorama tools. This is a set of utilities that cover all the possibilities for merging, creation and viewing of panoramas, and even other affordable techniques from the perspective of image processing such as correction of lens distortion, perspective , etc. On their website there is plenty of documentation, tutorials and software for all platforms and different user levels.
of all related software certainly worth noting Hugin program, a GUI (graphical user interface ) open source tools working on Panorama and facilitates its use, which is very much appreciated. Start with him.
A panoramic photo or image is one that shows a continuous scene that has been obtained or some kind of special camera or through partial melting of different shots.
The panoramic image can be of two types: spherical and partial. The spherical or circular (or immersive full-spherical) covers 360 degrees of vision and should be viewed with special software so that we can interact with the image as if we were really at the point of view of the camera and tours upon ourselves to see elsewhere. The partials are conventional digital images, as its name suggests, show a wide scene but not necessarily complete.
The procedure for obtaining panoramic images from many others is known as partial stitching, and is actually quite simple: photograph a certain overlapping parts of the objective order, downloaded or digitized pictures on the computer and apply a program merging the images to get one. It seems to be no limits to the size the final image .
Its usefulness in Archaeology is beyond doubt.
The first contact I had with this type of program was one of the utilities that come with digital cameras, namely Canon Photostich (I guess it must have equivalent programs in other brands). Using PhotoStich merge images is very simple and the results can be really good, especially if you use a Canon and respect certain rules of logic (areas of overlap, horizontal, etc.).
However, if we really control the fusion process, with all kinds of cameras and above using free software, the solution is the Panorama tools. This is a set of utilities that cover all the possibilities for merging, creation and viewing of panoramas, and even other affordable techniques from the perspective of image processing such as correction of lens distortion, perspective , etc. On their website there is plenty of documentation, tutorials and software for all platforms and different user levels.
of all related software certainly worth noting Hugin program, a GUI (graphical user interface ) open source tools working on Panorama and facilitates its use, which is very much appreciated. Start with him.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Pancreatitis High Cholesterol Blood Sugar
With little time I've heard of the proposal of " Blog Day", so I created this post through trying to meet what they propose. This is the day of the bloggers, and are on the fourth anniversary.
So in haste I selected these 5 blogs that I think might interest you, and I recommend:
- Afarensis: postea although English is frequently and quite interesting.
- News Ancient History and Archaeology: a very good place to keep abreast of what we find in our country.
- Mundo Neandertal : Archeology news, some really odd.
- Archaeology and Heritage: More news from archeology.
- Archaeology in Europe, but international news.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
How To Get A Free Mount Bug
The Gadget Blog Day of month: Solar Chargers
Until recently, archaeological excavations were something else. In urban areas, worked as a kind of bubble in the middle of the bustle, traffic and trying to evade the prying eyes of the elderly and the casual observer. In excavations in the field, the sense of isolation was more pronounced, far from the nuclei urban and often cumbersome or expensive access. This required the coexistence and helped to give a special flair to our work.
Then came the revolution. The excavation has been flooded in recent years a number of electronic devices that have changed quite radically the landscape. First with the mobile, with near-global coverage. Then digital cameras, handheld computers, surveying equipment, GPS, etc. We can say that we sailed towards the concept of excavation connected, almost on-line.
What has not changed, however, is that where we do not usually have outlets where you load all these bugs, so you need to plan well use batteries. And yet the bloody Murphy is relentless: the battery runs out at the wrong time. The solution: solar battery chargers.
They are of different types, sizes and power. Small allow charging your mobile, mp3, pda, and even rechargeable batteries. Are the size of a compact camera or a little more, so they are manageable and easy to transport. And then there are larger, they can charge car batteries, laptops or any other equivalent voltage gossip. I've seen on ebay some of the greats who are presented as a case that when opened displays the panels, which also appears feasible to incorporate them into our teams excavation. And I also curious to see (do not ask me where) portable solar refrigerators, which more than one will seem most useful. Is it the end of warm beer?
In short, open your knapsack of archaeologists and meted at least a solar charger for mobile. Someday agradeceréis me.
Until recently, archaeological excavations were something else. In urban areas, worked as a kind of bubble in the middle of the bustle, traffic and trying to evade the prying eyes of the elderly and the casual observer. In excavations in the field, the sense of isolation was more pronounced, far from the nuclei urban and often cumbersome or expensive access. This required the coexistence and helped to give a special flair to our work.
Then came the revolution. The excavation has been flooded in recent years a number of electronic devices that have changed quite radically the landscape. First with the mobile, with near-global coverage. Then digital cameras, handheld computers, surveying equipment, GPS, etc. We can say that we sailed towards the concept of excavation connected, almost on-line.
What has not changed, however, is that where we do not usually have outlets where you load all these bugs, so you need to plan well use batteries. And yet the bloody Murphy is relentless: the battery runs out at the wrong time. The solution: solar battery chargers.
They are of different types, sizes and power. Small allow charging your mobile, mp3, pda, and even rechargeable batteries. Are the size of a compact camera or a little more, so they are manageable and easy to transport. And then there are larger, they can charge car batteries, laptops or any other equivalent voltage gossip. I've seen on ebay some of the greats who are presented as a case that when opened displays the panels, which also appears feasible to incorporate them into our teams excavation. And I also curious to see (do not ask me where) portable solar refrigerators, which more than one will seem most useful. Is it the end of warm beer?
In short, open your knapsack of archaeologists and meted at least a solar charger for mobile. Someday agradeceréis me.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Adult Film Industry Vancouver Bc
Processing Management
happens often. Reading an article appears to us an American date that interests us. Come to the listing of literature in search of our complete reference but no surprise to discover that figure!. In all probability the author of the article you are reading did not use a bibliographic management program.
management literature is perhaps one of the most important yet cumbersome to create an archaeological texts, are technicians and scientists. In this issue, there are two complementary ways: first, what system of citation and bibliography formatting employ, and secondly, how we handle this in our word processor so that all references cited throughout the text are reflected in the final bibliography.
The first one will not be addressed here, since it is dealt with elsewhere (for example in the wikipedia ). In addition to the case of journals, how to process the literature tends to be detailed in the publication standards. Of course, you have to get inside the head that no one method.
So we go with the latter that is more in the blog wave.
-called bibliographic management programs are a type of software that allow you to manage references, take notes on them, sort them by keywords, etc. They are essentially databases whose attributes describe the different parts of the reference (author, title, year of publication, etc). Its use becomes more versatile when used in conjunction with the word processor so that a program of this kind must of being able to ask us to insert citations in the text and at the end of the work we generate a list of literature cited in the article. And of course, without forgetting.
OpenOffice already has built the ability to manage literature through a database and several predefined commands that allow using it in the text of the writer. It has many advantages and some disadvantages, but it works with pearls. Perhaps the greatest discomfort comes from the forms with which to edit the references, but for me is still the first choice.
There are also many other open source alternatives (and pay), and there are several points in the network where users can check and compare such here (including open source software) or here (in conjunction with payment). Personally I fretted with bibus that looks good, and it works also with "other processors."
However, there is an option of OpenOffice which is especially convenient, at least for me, and that it beats all others. I bring back the document that at the moment I'm working, so I edit it at home and at work (or wherever you click the flash memory). The problem of bibliographic management programs is that they are local databases (or served by internet). That is, you may on the computer you are editing my paper, there are no references to type in another. The solution given to this problem is to export and import references in the target computer (ie a roll). Another option is to have a server with the bibliographic database, which connect from where he edited. No comments.
The third option for me is good. OpenOffice allows you to embed references in the document, which references are with him wherever he goes. Also references embedded in a document can be copied to another by simply copying the appointment. This is accomplished with the command Insert> Indexes> bibliography entry and selecting from document content. A finding.
happens often. Reading an article appears to us an American date that interests us. Come to the listing of literature in search of our complete reference but no surprise to discover that figure!. In all probability the author of the article you are reading did not use a bibliographic management program.
management literature is perhaps one of the most important yet cumbersome to create an archaeological texts, are technicians and scientists. In this issue, there are two complementary ways: first, what system of citation and bibliography formatting employ, and secondly, how we handle this in our word processor so that all references cited throughout the text are reflected in the final bibliography.
The first one will not be addressed here, since it is dealt with elsewhere (for example in the wikipedia ). In addition to the case of journals, how to process the literature tends to be detailed in the publication standards. Of course, you have to get inside the head that no one method.
So we go with the latter that is more in the blog wave.
-called bibliographic management programs are a type of software that allow you to manage references, take notes on them, sort them by keywords, etc. They are essentially databases whose attributes describe the different parts of the reference (author, title, year of publication, etc). Its use becomes more versatile when used in conjunction with the word processor so that a program of this kind must of being able to ask us to insert citations in the text and at the end of the work we generate a list of literature cited in the article. And of course, without forgetting.
OpenOffice already has built the ability to manage literature through a database and several predefined commands that allow using it in the text of the writer. It has many advantages and some disadvantages, but it works with pearls. Perhaps the greatest discomfort comes from the forms with which to edit the references, but for me is still the first choice.
There are also many other open source alternatives (and pay), and there are several points in the network where users can check and compare such here (including open source software) or here (in conjunction with payment). Personally I fretted with bibus that looks good, and it works also with "other processors."
However, there is an option of OpenOffice which is especially convenient, at least for me, and that it beats all others. I bring back the document that at the moment I'm working, so I edit it at home and at work (or wherever you click the flash memory). The problem of bibliographic management programs is that they are local databases (or served by internet). That is, you may on the computer you are editing my paper, there are no references to type in another. The solution given to this problem is to export and import references in the target computer (ie a roll). Another option is to have a server with the bibliographic database, which connect from where he edited. No comments.
The third option for me is good. OpenOffice allows you to embed references in the document, which references are with him wherever he goes. Also references embedded in a document can be copied to another by simply copying the appointment. This is accomplished with the command Insert> Indexes> bibliography entry and selecting from document content. A finding.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Matlab 2007b Free Plp
literature texts (and 2): Processing
Before going into more depth issues, I refuse to give four more strokes on word processors and their use in archeology. What I'm here with particular reference to the OpenOffice (although it serves well for other processors).
is because I think they often do not know well all the possibilities, an issue that directly affects performance. I assure you familiar with the handling of a word processor (or any program ) is very useful.
To reach this understanding, there are basically three ways: do a course (recommended), the method RTFM (requires self-discipline) or mess around trying things one by one (for the lawless.) Everyone has their preferred way, as in everything. But most important is to choose one.
There are two keys that seem particularly undervalued in the use of the processors (for what I have observed): templates and styles.
Templates are a special type of paper, which once saved serve as a template for new documents. When creating a new document based on a template, you copy all the features of the original template (styles, fonts, headers, page numbering, margins, text, etc), but the document should be stored with a new name so that the template is always conserved original. In OpenOffice you can create templates not only for the processor, but also to other types of documents. A simple example of a template is a template letter or bill with the company logo in the header, an automatic date field, etc.. Other useful templates models are models of memory, or project report, including all those sections that we tend to repeat on every job. For example, the method of excavation, or the director of intervention and technical equipment, etc. So, you know: that you can avoid making the project the previous year and start to delete the text to get an empty model.
The second topic is abused styles. A style is a pre-formatted text, which affects the type and font size, spacing, alignment, characteristics. The usual style is the "normal" but then there are styles for footers, headers, the whole hierarchy of titles, etc.. When we modify the definition of a style in a document, all text is assigned that style are automatically updated to the new format.
A common example of misuse (or desconomiento) of styles is here that you will sound: select the text, change the font to your liking, and when we continue to write the processor returns to take us the font before! .
But for me a key theme of the styles is that if properly applied in the creation of headings and paragraphs, in the end we get a table of contents of the text automatically paged and everything. And believe me there are many other aspects that need a correct use of styles to be effective.
Before going into more depth issues, I refuse to give four more strokes on word processors and their use in archeology. What I'm here with particular reference to the OpenOffice (although it serves well for other processors).
is because I think they often do not know well all the possibilities, an issue that directly affects performance. I assure you familiar with the handling of a word processor (or any program ) is very useful.
To reach this understanding, there are basically three ways: do a course (recommended), the method RTFM (requires self-discipline) or mess around trying things one by one (for the lawless.) Everyone has their preferred way, as in everything. But most important is to choose one.
There are two keys that seem particularly undervalued in the use of the processors (for what I have observed): templates and styles.
Templates are a special type of paper, which once saved serve as a template for new documents. When creating a new document based on a template, you copy all the features of the original template (styles, fonts, headers, page numbering, margins, text, etc), but the document should be stored with a new name so that the template is always conserved original. In OpenOffice you can create templates not only for the processor, but also to other types of documents. A simple example of a template is a template letter or bill with the company logo in the header, an automatic date field, etc.. Other useful templates models are models of memory, or project report, including all those sections that we tend to repeat on every job. For example, the method of excavation, or the director of intervention and technical equipment, etc. So, you know: that you can avoid making the project the previous year and start to delete the text to get an empty model.
The second topic is abused styles. A style is a pre-formatted text, which affects the type and font size, spacing, alignment, characteristics. The usual style is the "normal" but then there are styles for footers, headers, the whole hierarchy of titles, etc.. When we modify the definition of a style in a document, all text is assigned that style are automatically updated to the new format.
A common example of misuse (or desconomiento) of styles is here that you will sound: select the text, change the font to your liking, and when we continue to write the processor returns to take us the font before! .
But for me a key theme of the styles is that if properly applied in the creation of headings and paragraphs, in the end we get a table of contents of the text automatically paged and everything. And believe me there are many other aspects that need a correct use of styles to be effective.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Caribbean Princess Electrical Voltage
templates and text styles (1)
Most of the time working at a computer we are trying some text, either a project, a memory, a report, letter, article, etc, etc. The word processor is the heart of our work, and if we think a moment, the project faced an archaeologist usually begin and end with a text. In between everything else comes. Can we bring something new about them?
For starters, the main alternatives are free Openoffice, Abiword and recently Google docs. All three are excellent, with surroundings and spell checkers in our languages, ability to open and save word documents, tables, etc, but each with special features. The Openoffice writer is best, but older equipment may be heavy. In these cases I recommend Abiword, more agile but not as complete. And then there's the google text editor, which is another thing.
In fact, the Google apps are not those applications you install on your computer and go with it wherever you are, but are applicable anywhere. Does this mean that the program itself is hosted on the google server and to use it you must have internet access. The documents also think staying in a space allocated to your account at google. It is important to know that you can download and upload documents to your account, and supports most common formats, including openoffice.
"Advantages? From any computer in the world with Internet access can edit your documents without having to install anything, and of course upload and download other docs.
drawback? For that, you need internet connection. And another thing: it gives not to have your documents do not know where. No, raises concerns, right?
For my part I used the google doc for example between work and home, and works perfectly.
As a proposal can serve as backup. For example, imagine that after a trip discover that USB memory where you take this crucial document has cracked. Then you connect and download it into your favorite format.
Most of the time working at a computer we are trying some text, either a project, a memory, a report, letter, article, etc, etc. The word processor is the heart of our work, and if we think a moment, the project faced an archaeologist usually begin and end with a text. In between everything else comes. Can we bring something new about them?
For starters, the main alternatives are free Openoffice, Abiword and recently Google docs. All three are excellent, with surroundings and spell checkers in our languages, ability to open and save word documents, tables, etc, but each with special features. The Openoffice writer is best, but older equipment may be heavy. In these cases I recommend Abiword, more agile but not as complete. And then there's the google text editor, which is another thing.
In fact, the Google apps are not those applications you install on your computer and go with it wherever you are, but are applicable anywhere. Does this mean that the program itself is hosted on the google server and to use it you must have internet access. The documents also think staying in a space allocated to your account at google. It is important to know that you can download and upload documents to your account, and supports most common formats, including openoffice.
"Advantages? From any computer in the world with Internet access can edit your documents without having to install anything, and of course upload and download other docs.
drawback? For that, you need internet connection. And another thing: it gives not to have your documents do not know where. No, raises concerns, right?
For my part I used the google doc for example between work and home, and works perfectly.
As a proposal can serve as backup. For example, imagine that after a trip discover that USB memory where you take this crucial document has cracked. Then you connect and download it into your favorite format.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Heather Harmonstreaming
Free and paid
The inertia of our business environment requires that there are several known programs that are appropriate for each of the archaeological work. It seems that to write a text (report, report, article, etc.) only the word processor Microsoft, to treat the photoshop images; or raise plants or technical drawing Autocad. And really, all these programs are excellent, extraordinary, surely the best. But they are also expensive. Are we willing to pay the license?.
Fortunately there are alternatives that have no cost, and can be used without problems for almost any archaeological work. And where?. Well there are many sites offering collections of programs, and specifically here I have prepared a small collection of archaeological work grouped by software to begin with I think it is wrong. I hope you like.
The inertia of our business environment requires that there are several known programs that are appropriate for each of the archaeological work. It seems that to write a text (report, report, article, etc.) only the word processor Microsoft, to treat the photoshop images; or raise plants or technical drawing Autocad. And really, all these programs are excellent, extraordinary, surely the best. But they are also expensive. Are we willing to pay the license?.
Fortunately there are alternatives that have no cost, and can be used without problems for almost any archaeological work. And where?. Well there are many sites offering collections of programs, and specifically here I have prepared a small collection of archaeological work grouped by software to begin with I think it is wrong. I hope you like.
Corduroy Bracelet Audio
The computer has become, indisputably, one of the basic tools of the archaeologist, both almost the same stirrer or topographic. The most reluctant to use it reluctantly, if only for word processing or email (but ask them if they would be willing to give it up), and the latest make virtually all archaeological work using a computer. No doubt its necessity.
So archaeologists taken as users will not have much choice but to "suffer" with computers and their applications, but on the contrary, there are others to which we are passionate about technology, its progress and its applications, and enjoy with it!.
If you are of this second group of archaeologists, perhaps this humble blog you can serve, why is neither more nor less than this: Archaeology strongly practiced by computer and all that gadget, device, instrument or invention to implement and solve specific tasks of our profession. Welcome
The computer has become, indisputably, one of the basic tools of the archaeologist, both almost the same stirrer or topographic. The most reluctant to use it reluctantly, if only for word processing or email (but ask them if they would be willing to give it up), and the latest make virtually all archaeological work using a computer. No doubt its necessity.
So archaeologists taken as users will not have much choice but to "suffer" with computers and their applications, but on the contrary, there are others to which we are passionate about technology, its progress and its applications, and enjoy with it!.
If you are of this second group of archaeologists, perhaps this humble blog you can serve, why is neither more nor less than this: Archaeology strongly practiced by computer and all that gadget, device, instrument or invention to implement and solve specific tasks of our profession. Welcome
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