Saturday, April 23, 2011

Examples Of Non Communicable Diseases

68 years later. ONIL

68 years later, the Virgin comes back Onil mourning.

In 1943 the image of Our Lady of Health entered the portal, as traditionally April 23 at 9 solar time, wearing his purple robe, as the day coincided Friday the patron saint. This match was not the first time it happened because in a previous picture of the late nineteenth century, we see the Virgin wearing the mantle.

addition to the inventory of the wardrobe of the Virgin of 1923 is reflected a mantle of purple velvet embroidered in gold for prayers.

This year on April 23 Holy Saturday matches and "Moreneta de les Eres" opens a new coat of black, silver and black, to enter the portal timely appointment every year, this mantle has been donated by an anonymous family colivenca. Image not
processions through the streets of the town until Easter Sunday, 23 spending the night in the convent and postponing the fires of April 22 the day after your time varying number of events.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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Towards a definition of Franco II

The following is an excerpt of the Courts Act 1942. This is one of the fundamental laws of the regime, and becomes one of the elements of a theoretical part dogmatic the Franco Constitution.

Art 1 Courts are the highest organ of the English people to participate in the work of the State. It's primary mission of the courts the elaboration and adoption of laws, subject to the punishment for the Head of State.
Art 2 I. Courts are composed of attorneys included in paragraphs following:
a) Members of the Government. [...]
d) One hundred and fifty representatives of the trade union organization.
e) A representative of the Municipalities of each province, elected by the municipalities among its members, and one each of the municipalities of more than three hundred thousand inhabitants of Ceuta and Melilla, elected by the respective municipalities among its members, a representative from each Provincial Government and the Canary Isles Commonwealth, elected by the respective corporations among its members and representatives of local corporations of territories not incorporated in provinces, elected in the same way.
f) Two representatives of the family for each province, elected by those appearing on the electoral roll of heads of households and married women, in the manner established by law [...]
j) Those who by their hierarchy, military or administrative, or their relevant services to the country, appointed by the Head of State, heard the Privy Council, to a number not exceeding twenty-five. ;
II. All attorneys in representing the English Village Courts should serve the nation and the common good and not be bound by any imperative mandate. [...]
Art 10 know Courts, Full Court of the acts and laws aimed at any of the following components: a) ordinary and extraordinary budgets of the state. b) Large operations and financial character. [...] M) Any other laws that the Government itself or proposal relevant Commission decides to refer the House of the Parliament. Likewise, the Government may refer matters to the House or agreements are not held as law [...]
Art 16 The President of the Courts shall submit to the Head of State, for sanction, the laws passed by them, [...]
Art 17 The Head of State, by a message driven and with the assent of the Privy Council, may return the law to Parliament for further deliberation. [...]

This law therefore creates a very interesting institution: the courts. They would not be formed by direct representatives of citizens, if we except the attorneys for the third family, but a kind of representatives of the nation, who are elected according to the manner in which sovereignty is shared. Therefore, the dictator who, in a more direct (and prerogative of prosecutors ) or indirectly (the representatives of professional associations, municipalities ...) influences their appointment. In addition, as specified in Article 16, the Head of State has the right veto.

The result of the creation of this institution is clear: based on the example of the proposed draft constitution 1929, the regime create an institution that serves makeup or refine an authoritarian system, but does not implement a true democracy. Yes for Franco, who argue that the regime is a democracy in the English a organic democracy in which citizens express their sovereignty through the natural channels the true state.

As a result, no one can speak of a totalitarian regime, but, conceptually, the sovereignty resides with the dictator, it would be a very similar, for example, that of Trujillo.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Monster Energy Helsinki

Towards an approach to the political structure of the Franco I

The text below express some fundamental differences between the system being built in the rebellious side, and simultaneously takes place in the Republican. What do you think about it?

Arrival war to a very advanced and successful next time, urgent and undertake the great task of peace, crystallizing in the new state thought and style of our national revolution. Joined by a thought and a common discipline, the English all have to take their place in the great task. (...) This unification needs to take into account that (...).
Requetes English Falange and the two exponents are authentic spirit of the national uprising started by our glorious army on July 17.
Like other totalitarian countries, the traditional strength comes new strength. English Falange with its program provided youth masses, the Requetes (...) [provided], together with its momentum warrior, the sacred deposit English tradition (...). For all these reasons, I ORDER:
Article 1. Requetes English Falange and with their existing services and components are integrated under my leadership, in a single national political entity, which is now called Traditionalist English Falange de las JONS This organization, intermediate between the company and the state has the primary mission of informing the state and the breath of people to carry it the thought that through the political and moral virtues, service, hierarchy and brotherhood (...). Other organizations are dissolved and political parties.
Article 2. governing bodies will be the new political entity the Head of State, a Secretariat or Policy Board and the National Council (...)
Article 3 is merged into a single National Military those Falange Requetes English and, retaining their emblems and exterior signs (...). The Military is an auxiliary of the Army. The Head of State is the Supreme Commander of the Militia (...).
in Salamanca Since April 19 of 1937 .-
FRANCISCO FRANCO, Official State Bulletin (Burgos), April 20, 1937.

If the rebel faction real political structure, from the time of the uprising, was limited to dictatorial power of the military, were not absent from his political problems in the pursuit of hegemony and the definition of war aims.
The forces that contributed to the military uprising, but socially homogeneous, they were not politically because it reproduced the previous spectrum, monarchists, Carlist right corporatist tradition of Primo, without clearly defined military policy, etc., forming a conglomerate difficult amalgam.
Power was awarded, in principle, briefly, a National Defense Council installed in Burgos, composed exclusively of military and structured under military jurisdiction: grade and seniority. After that was the hand and the political opinion of the situation becomes Emilio Mola. Its president was the oldest general, Miguel Cabanellas. On July 28 declared the state of war.
There were two events with powerful influence over the political course of the rebels: military successes of the Army under the command of Franco and political conditions resulting from the decisive help of the fascist powers.
Based on the first, the appointment of Franco advented to exercise the supreme command, following the famous meetings around Salamanca in late September with a formula that brought together military and political power in a dictatorship. That began the process leading to development of the New State .
            Los altos dirigentes de la sublevación divergían en cuanto al futuro político y el régimen a establecer. Los había, como Mola, que ni iban más allá de un directorio militar transitorio; los había proclives a la Monarquía con mayores o menores ropajes corporativistas; los había fascistas de estricta observancia. La Monarquía legitimista o carlista contaba con muchas menos posibilidades.
            vested with all powers, Franco appointed a State Technical Board, now in military and civilian, who worked as a cabinet, but under strict control, while Franco operated from its headquarters. However, since January 1937, began political maneuvering before a long-expected war, embarked on existing groups.
English Falange and the Traditionalist Communion were most had contributed to channel a large mass of fighters into the rebellion. The development of a political solution capable of giving a war ideological content and structure was different influences on the one-party fascist model (this was the second event of the identified influential) and was due to Ramon Serrano Suner.
The Unification of April 19, 1937, created the FET de las JONS party, whose leadership Franco was attributed to the title of Caudillo . The traditional ruling class, under a new political garb, ensured its perpetuation.
Arostegui, Julio (1983) "The Civil War in Spain" in DE LA TORRE, Rosario PECHARROMAN GIL, Julio, and others. English Civil War. Madrid: History 16. Pp. 96-98.

DOCUMENT 29: militarization of the Nationalist side.
Article I: The senior leadership of the columns and forces operating in areas where contact with the enemy may appoint an interim basis, the civil authorities of cities, towns and provinces to address, under the direct command of the military occupation authority, address the problems of civil order raised and cooperate with it in order them to resolution problems of accommodation and equipment of the forces.
Article two: By being insured's occupation of the province or town and have ceased to be its territory or area of \u200b\u200bthe vanguard of the army, observe the following rules:
to ) The military authorities will be the higher authority, through the direct jurisdiction of the civil and administrative authorities, all issues that are unique, except for those relating to public policy. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the civil authority may perform those tasks that the military authority who rely expressly delegated.
( Gazette, February 19, 1937).
Moradiellos, Enrique (2004). 1936: Myths of the Civil War. Barcelona: Península Atalaya. Pp. 113-114.
inertia probably more usual with the aim of maintaining feelings certainly gone forever and they were only encouraged by a bold minority, which has been defeated and fled from the National Spain, still Cooperative some of the Basque provinces remain [...] its statutes or regulations written in Basque language, though almost always listed together its translation into English.
And being absolutely necessary for the English national feeling and expresses no doubts or hesitation of any genre, a very special way in the spirit and acts of state-related entities, a fact that no conflict with the respect they may deserve the use of dialects in private family relationships, [...], I have decided as follows:
1 º. It is strictly forbidden to use another language other than Castilian in titles, corporate names, statutes or regulations and the calling and holding meetings or assemblies of the entities that depend on this ministry.
2 º. The entities concerned by it shall undertake appropriate modifications of those names, regulations or statutes [...]
(BO of May 26, 1937).
SOURCE: Diaz Plaja, Fernando (1969): The war in Spain in their documents. Ediciones GP pp. 269-270.

In order to regulate the national militia service and auxiliary forces, how valuable cooperation are providing Army forces in defense of the homeland, and to determine the dependency relationships, obligations and duties of personnel belonging to the same,
Art 1 º. All auxiliary forces mobilized militias and are subject to the Code of Military Justice in all its parts.
2 º. The auxiliary forces referred to the previous article that guarnezcan fronts or provinces, will be under the command of the military authorities.
3 º. An auxiliary force to mobilize militia or may not be demobilized without permission or authorization expresses the general manager and can not be removed from the position where they provide service, without the prior permission of the military authority that directly depends.
4 º. All military formations or groups of militias or armed auxiliary forces will be ordered and framed by army commanders and officers, and officers to supplement the Army, formed in schools or military dependent. [...]
6 º. The auxiliary forces to provide law enforcement services in towns or villages in the rear, its procedures shall be subject to the Civil Guard primer [...].
Section 9. In the various military schools established for the empowerment campaign lieutenants are a number of places reserved for staff of the militias that aspire to the exercise of such employment, which at the end to use of their studies and practices will be preferred to cover the places of employment in the militia of origin.
Section 10. The fates of leaders and officials of auxiliary forces or armed militias will be allowed by the War Department, at the request of the respective organizations, or on arrival forced by war, if necessary.
in Salamanca Since December 20 of 1936.
Gazette , 21-XII-1936
SOURCE: Diaz Plaja, Fernando (1969): The war in Spain in their documents. Ediciones GP pp. 190-191.

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Elements of National-Catholicism

Here are some texts on key elements of National Catholicism. As you see, it is representative texts. What do you think of your content? What relationship do you think that is the concept of Franco we are trying profiling?

The National Defense Council restored religious education in national schools, by its Order No. 168. Anxiously asked this reform Nationalist Spain. Imperatively demanded the educational needs of children English.
This reset does not mean only that the teacher is limited to dedicate one or more sessions per week to the teaching of the Catechism and Sacred History. This is essential, but much more needs has to be to make the school environment to be fully influenced and guided by the doctrine of the Crucified.
The restoration of the crucifix in schools, so solemnly held in all villages of the regions by our glorious army reconquered mean not only that the secular school of the Soviet regime nominally Catholic replace the National School. It is necessary that the readings discussed in the teaching of Science, to History, Geography, you take any issue to infer moral and religious implications. The teaching of religion has to form Christian children, with clear ideas, with specific rules for the present and for future action. [...] The consequence of this religious environment, which has to wrap School education has to be the corporation's mandatory attendance for all children and teachers in national schools in holy days of obligation, the parish church, set the proper time according to the ecclesiastical authority. The Gospel will be read often, and inevitably every Saturday, explaining the next day dominica. The Church's social doctrine, contained in the encyclical Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno, serve to instill in children the idea of \u200b\u200blove and social fellowship to get rid of the blind hatred materialistic solvent of all civilization and culture.

SOURCE: Diaz Plaja, Fernando (1969): The war in Spain in their documents. Ediciones GP page. 380.

is doing this to the distinguished members of the Committees purification of teachers the importance of the sacred mission which is now in your hands. To think that the prospect of a resurgence of Spain as best we lived contemplating these years, is in direct proportion to the justice and conscientiousness to put in the clearance of the Magisterium in all grades, says it all.
The character of the Debug is now pursuing is not only punitive but also preventive. It is necessary to ensure the English, who with arms in hand and without wrangling blood sacrifice and save the cause of civilization, will not tolerate, much less to protect and subsidize those who poison the soul of the people first and largest responsible for all the crimes and destruction to overwhelm the world and planted in mourning the honest majority of households in Spain. not for Commissions purification penalties applying the codes point to the authors by induction, being reserved this power to the courts, but to propose the separation of their functions inexorable master of those directly or indirectly contributed to sustain and propagate parties, ideology and institutions called the Popular Front. The individuals who make up these revolutionary hordes, whose excesses both cause fear, are simply the spiritual children of professors and teachers through institutions such as the so-called Free Education, forged generations incredulous and anarchic. If you want to make fruitful the blood of our martyrs is necessary resolutely fight the system followed for more than a century to honor and praise to uplifting the poor, while the punishments were reserved for victims of mass deception. Three
Commissions proposals may make treatment plants, according to the Order of November 10, namely:
1 º. Acquittal for those who have vanished jeopardized charges have cooperated directly or indirectly to the formation of the revolutionary atmosphere.
2 º. Transfer for those who, being professional and morally unimpeachable, have sympathized with the nationalist parties entitled Basque, Catalan, Navarre, Galicia, etc.. without having any direct or indirect separatist communist subversion.
3 º. Definitive separation of service for all who have fought in the Popular Front parties or secret societies, especially after the October Revolution and in a general way, those who have sympathized with them or direct their teaching or professional performance Similarly the reported solvent.
Commissions purification, addressing any particular authority or on demand reporting, this should make the serious responsibility they are taking to God and to his country by hiding certain points, when they fail to distort the facts, using mental reservation or reprehensible extemporaneous sentimentality. It also has to fight and make public, for an everlasting shame that such a lack of citizenship incurred by the name of persons alleging unfair to ignore the facts or people who care about the reports. It would be unworthy of the heroism of our officers, soldiers and volunteers on the fire lines defy death dreaming of a Spain better correspond with the cowardice and lack of civic courage of people who enjoy the peace of the rearguard.
If all who are part of the Commissions purification interpenetrate in this way of thinking and patriotic contagion transmitted to those have to contribute to its work with reports, is something absolutely certain that before long, in Spain we see today is destroyed, impoverished, mourning, once restored his genius and national tradition, we will dawn in joyous dawn of a new century gold for the glory of Christianity and Civilization of Spain.
( BOE of December 10, 1936).

SOURCE: Diaz Plaja, Fernando (1969): The war in Spain in their documents. Ediciones GP pp. 166-168.