Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How Can I Stop My Friend From Snoring

The Gadget of the month: digital pens

The Gadget of the month: digital pens

least curious gadget I bring this time. This is apparently conventional pens (ink and all) able to digitize everything that is written on paper. To do come equipped with a small accessory that snaps into the top of the sheet or pad that captures and stores the movements of the pen.
seems that the technology involved is based on motion sensors via infrared pen from the receiver. Usually has storage capacity up to 100 written pages.
A simple search on the net I returned the following models, all quite like the truth: Zpen Dane-Elec, the Digital Graphic Pen of Odysseus, the Mobile Note Taker Fujitsu-Siemens ( this analysis) and Digital Scribe IOGEAR GPen100C . I'm sure more will follow.
You can see a model in action in this video .
The paper type does not matter, and can be used either connected to the computer as independently. The duration of batteries is not a point of giving much information, but seems likely to be between 3 and 5 hours. And I even read a forum that is not hard not to get ink refills, since they use standard cartridges. Fujitsu
model also announces recognition of handwritten characters. Walk do not know how advanced the technology of recognition, but I suppose that, as always, best results will be achieved slowly and with good lyrics ...
suppose you happen to many people, like me, which may be useful to take notes on exploration, to sketch or fill unit cards. You can also used for casting literature in libraries and / or files. So, the question is: How much bark?
Well not bad, and I guess that's why they have some success: are available from 80 euros.
In short, a creature more to our arsenal of technology.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Age Of Empire Rise Of Rome Full Version Exe

I - II - III and IV

Note: transcripts are verbatim
Argentine ornithologists I
Condor Cathartidiformes

Order Family Genus
61 gryphus Sarcorhamphus Dum (Linn.) BB Cat. Mus. I p. 20
Dabbene MM, Cat Sist. Aves Arg, in W Mus. Nac Buenos Aires, ser. III, t. XI (1910), p 238, No. 248.
Condor mountain range in the entire province.
Paper presented at the first national meeting of the Argentina Society of Natural Sciences. Held at the city of Tucumán, in the spring of 1916.
Part I, Systematic list.
Reed Carlos. Director Founder of the Museum of Mendoza. The Birds of the Province of Mendoza. Mendoza Educational Museum. Printing Kraft. 1916. " It

notes "to the mountains of the province"

Argentina II
Ornithologists' Bird List Mendocinas By Renato Sanzin (Mendoza)
This list includes examples of birds that make up my collection, and have been obtained in the province of Mendoza.
28. Sarcorhamphus gryphus (Linn.) - Condor. Cordillera de Mendoza.
El Hornero, Vol Pags. 147-152. December 1918. "

Argentine III "57 condor Andean Condor Vultur gryphus 1200mm.
distinct species by their large size. Sexes different, the male takes over the head is violet red color, a big black crest. The female has a black head with no crest. The juvenile is brown and beige, taking three years to appear with the adult plumage. Inhabits the high ranges from Jujuy to Tierra del Fuego. Mendoza and even common in Cordoba. Also in Chile from Bolivia, Peru to Colombia and Venezuela. Olrog
Claes, Pescetti Elba. The Birds of Great Cuyo. Mendoza, San Juan, San Luis and La Rioja. Field guide. General Directorate of Schools. Directorate of Secondary Education. Dymes project. CRICYT - IADIZA. Mendoza 1991. "

Note that here the authors note as" common and even in Córdoba Mendoza.

Argentine Ornithology
IV "21 gryphus
Condor Vultur is a distinct species by its large size, length of 1200 mm and a wingspan that in some cases more than two meters. The female has a black head, while the male is red violet and also provided with a black crest. Both are black with some of the white wings. The juvenile appears ochraceous with brown tail and black wing tips. It takes three years to file adult plumage. This is a common species that frequent the high mountains of Mendoza. It is the bird of prey can fly higher (6000 meters). There is a hunter.

Pescetti Elba, Virgilio Roig. Birds la Provincia de Mendoza. Argentina. Zoología y Ecología Animal. Sección Extensión Educativa. Bird Life International. IADIZA 1995.

Nótese que los autores señalan " se trata de una especie común, ..."