May 27, 2009
Hi all,
A few days ago I took this photo of an Andean Condor. It was a female. As shown in the pictures, had much of the back (body, wings and tail) stained with excrement, or at least it looks like that. This is the first time I see something, but it may be a common ... if I read several times that the condor defecates on its legs.
a while before taking this photo, the distance I could see for about ten minutes, some birds flying in pairs. Flights performed persecutory type, and at times just kept hanging in the air over each other, so I associated with these actions stains. All However, this happened quite far from where I was to have any other details of the scene, but the female I photographed came from this area that I mentioned.
Regards, Diego
El Chalten - Santa Cruz

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