LAW N º 6,599
"STATEMENT NATIONAL MONUMENT PROVINCIAL wild animals and their natural habitats"
The Senate and House of Representatives of the Province of Mendoza , render the force of law:
Art. 1: Declárase Monumento Natural Provincial a las siguientes especies de animales silvestres y sus habitats naturales:
- Cóndor (Vultur gryphus).
- Choique o suri (Pteronemia pennata).
- Guanaco (Lama guanicoe).
- Tortuga del macizo extracordillerano del nevado (Chelonoidis donosabarrosi).
- Liebre mara, criolla o patagónica (Dolichotus patagonum).
- Pichiciego (Chlamyphorus truncatus).

Section 2: Building the total and permanent ban of hunting for these species, prohibiting its possession in captivity, except for education, science, subsistence or breeding, for which will require the express permission of the enforcement authority .
Article 3: The Ministry of Environment and Public Works, through the Directorate of Renewable Natural Resources will be the enforcement authority of this Act.
Section 4: Communicate to the Executive. Given
on campus session of the Honorable Legislature in Mendoza on the twelfth day of the month of May 1990 and eight.
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