Since my childhood I Sempere admired. I liked to draw, transform, create sculptures recycling useless things (and sometimes serviceable) reinvent toys, creating sets for plays with my family ... they said that I wanted: "The aims Xiquet way," but you know "Who of all trades" and that "Xiquet restless", nervous and a bit hyper over the years added to his nervousness, and his desire to create it were left alone in that, in cravings. But if some of that time I have maintained and increased my admiration for Semple. I remember how I found out ...
was summer, the early eighties, we were in the cottage where we spent the summer holidays, was the lunch, and suddenly my mother fills my imaginary country, to send me to the nearby house to ask for an ingredient that was missing to complete food. I reluctantly accepted my world momentarily go into exile invented. I crossed the road and a few meters was that old house, chalet-twenties rundown, so many dreams that captivated me. At the door, under the great vine, sitting in his armchair, with a small transistor in one hand and the other a piece of "Fenoll," to be from time to time to the mouth, was my neighbor. Was tanned man, middle-aged and a beginner degenerative disease alleviated by many painkillers, which gave him a child and a slow voice, sounded an operetta brought back by popular classics that always listened. Arriving at his height told me
- hello Eusebiet. "
I remain puzzled and insolence that can be child answer:
- I do not in diuen "Eusebiet."
- Jo diuen com és, però, és sap et Malament that says "Eusebiet?. I replied with all the goodness of his voice.
- No, no crec. I said.
With these words into the house, asked the commission to my mother and came back. At home I told what happened, how crazy I was the neighbor and my mother laughed after he said: "Loco" no, "Eusebiet" is the artist FAMOS més d'Onil, i ho diu ell perque you sap that t ' molt like Dibuix.
Since then I became interested in "Eusebiet" trying to imitate his work, but clear myself were scratches and colorful, which coincidences of life that was how they saw their art many from their ignorance, I admit that art abstract is difficult to understand, but like everything in life, if it gets a little patience and interest in the works always convey something.
My next memory Sempere important is the day April 29, 1984, when a resounding tribute in full "Magoda of bandes" was named favorite son of the village and opened a bust presides over the Plaza Mayor and given by his friend the sculptor Pablo Serrano (valued in those years at 3 million pesetas). There in the middle of the square surrounded by many of my neighbors, I felt that it was someone really important, an entire people applauded him, some people were crying of excitement, which increased my interest by asking more and more about the man, about the artist. Of course, there are things that a child is away, but others make you for life.
told me that just a year before, the day of the entry of 1983, opened the monument to the doll, which was made possible by your generosity, which in addition to the idea, contributed a significant amount also opened an account for all the people would contribute, but was the association of manufacturers who worked primarily in the actual execution of such an interesting realization. Onil finally had one of his mobile sculptures, as if there were already many paintings by Onil, he painted portraits in her childhood for neighbors, gouaches acquired by private ... but certainly maybe we encompass many "colivencs" is the frescoes of the Baptistery of the parish, since they are surrounded by many children have been baptized since the second half of the twentieth century.
This work was commissioned in 1950 by the Genoese Antonio parish priest and the then president Ramón Sempere Quilis vestry, who in 1999 wrote:
"I think what was waiting for a few days, the chapel was home to Eusebius, his brushes and sketches, in a set of seven pieces decorate the chapel above. " In these seven pieces Sempere represented three biblical scenes and the nerves of the vault to the four evangelists, self-portraits himself Sempere in the image of San Marcos. In terms of cost, according to Ramon Sempere account: "No money ever want to talk, and nothing was in this sense." When the work is besieged Temin satisfied, but years later tried to undo Sempere fresh paint new ones, because as he himself admitted was very young when he painted, but are not allowed.
My last memories are those sad days of April 1985 when after death the morning of April 10 at Villa de La Cova, Onil dismissed him. As a more visit the chapel installed in the session hall of the Palacio del Marques de Dos Aguas, signed the condolence book, and again checked how big it was, never have so many bodies together in Onil.
heard someone comment,
- "tota Mireu people who have Vingut, i quanta flower, ben be, not that teniem Saviem."
Today, I crossed back with my neighbor, the disease progresses faster and faster, but with the same voice said to me
- "Hello" Eusebiet "!, Et et sap Malament that says" Eusebiet ?.