This unusual recording of 1963's Fandango, was recorded in the gardens of Casa de Campo Madrid. It took the Rondalla Colivenca , Group Songs and Dances of the Section of Women and the Coral polyphonic Onil, is carrying out an original adaptation of the popular folk part letter most famous of our people. In this adaptation, for reasons of length, only performed two " pasaes " of the four that has dancing, dancing to the third (called "Passeig ") and last (els v Otets "), the two remaining uninterpreted are "i Bolton" and "l ' enginollà " and singing the first "Marieta cosinet you a " and the last "Goodbye Xiquets of Seraglio. "
Group that year garnered the third prize of XV National Contest of Songs and Dances in the form: Mixed Chorus and Dance at the Theatre Maria Guerrero in Madrid, they picked up the newspaper English Vanguardia on 22 May 1963.

page of the newspaper and durable.
was not the first time the group Onil traveling to Madrid, and in 1959 Rondalla Group and danced for the first time at Casa de Campo.
As curious point before the year of 1963, the suit colivenc not yet wearing his embroidered vest, men dancing with white shirt, belt and pants used by Costume Comparsa number of students. In the video you can see the back of the vest was white, and then the new vests are made with the back and black satin pants with the hole in the knee.
The photo is from 1954, during the second visit of the Madonna della Salute to Valencia, to commemorate the coronation of the Virgen de Puig , the image can be seen as the rondalla wearing pants suit student.
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