Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Today, I found on Engadget Mobile this post. Funny how a French company continues to sell these terminals appeared to be dead. And more interesting is to see how they work better than some superterminales art. Some mobile

we fell to the ground and there were zillion times, functioning as the first day. Its functions are just and necessary: \u200b\u200bcall and send sms, come on, what it is for a mobile. Something that has now taken a back seat when buying a terminal.

Today is the most common to wear a stylish pair Aifón TM, terminal Android, WP7 or any smartphone with a host of features.

Even with everything, I think this retro fashion, as is happening in fashion or computer games, will emerge with the phones. The companies we end up selling these phones to be extortionate prices for fashion with the excuse that they are painted in colors (like the classic Casio painted, very nice and discreet, in fact) or who knows what.

Or maybe not.


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