As of January 15, 2011, at the request of the Association of Onil Reyes Magos, the City official made the request to the Department of Tourism, to declare themselves on arrival of Their Majesties the Kings and the Harbinger Party "Tourism in the Region of Interest." To this end, developed by the Association and manager of the tourist office Onil, an extensive dossier compilation of developments made in recent years by the same well as a video presentation of the "interesting" week Reyes, in charge of its implementation Artecuatre.
On April 15, after three months of waiting, the Department issued a resolution, declaring "The Ride of Their Majesties. THE WISE MEN AND THE ARRIVAL OF THE HERALD OF Majesties" Onil, FEAST OF TOURIST ATTRACTIONS IN THE REGION.
From this little corner we would like to congratulate the Association Magi, to the City and the entire town of Onil, and hopefully this declaration is the first in a long list of parties and acts "interesting", which luckily in Onil there are many (the Embassy Ball de les flags Fatxos els, we will filaes Mises, Danses and owl ... .) Should only take such other partnerships and work for it.
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