La Puerta de la Paz, which is how it is baptized, is located at the entrance from the Avenue Onil Castalla front of the Convent and the Casa de l'Hort "in the avenue of the same name, La Paz. This monument today perhaps something happens to us unnoticed colivenca encompasses centuries of history and was created for (as the name suggests) symbolize peace.
is a work conceived and carried out in 1984 by then-Councilman José Andrés Juan Vidal culture (later named Chronicler Onil popular and after his death Son of the Villa), popularly known as Pepito on the Xorret.
The monument was built using slabs and pillars of the entrance to the garden of the Maison de l'Hort "
, a mansion built in the late eighteenth century by José María Alonso de Medina Paya, nephew of Cardinal Payá, who was Mayor Notary of the Kingdom. (In the picture you can see the entry with its original door, which contained the date 1900, with its two pillars).

These historical pillars was added the wrought iron gate which was the former town council that as it contained, was placed in the building in a reform instituted in 1874 remained until its demolition in the 70's of last century, building on its site the building that currently houses the office of the CAM bank.
These doors were crossed all the "colivencs" of his time, as they turned on local life: City Hall, court, Cartería , Prison, recruiting office ...

the day of his inauguration on April 23, 1984, Johnny gave him a few words to the new monument and after explaining its meaning took the ancient keys of the session and opened the door to symbolize colivenca hospitality during their festivals, the door opened for several years at parties, now would be a re-opening detail so as not to lose a tradition that symbolizes values \u200b\u200bsomewhat forgotten.
And left us on the Xorret Pepito "deserves to be called GATE OF PEACE "
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