In 1983, the 29th of April, "L ' Sign " just before "L' Angelus ", a procession with the Center for Music Instruction Onil to his forehead and after this the Municipal Corporation, headed by José Navarro Laos, provincial politicians , representatives of the groups, the world of culture and neighbors colivenca without more titles that being followers of his countryman Eusebio gather at the Plaza Mayor to go to open the new Memorial doll, while at the roundabout where is located the mobile sculpture tension grows, last tested the mechanism that spins the metal cylinder designed by Sempere, and to the surprise of the operators of council, responsible for its implementation, the motor does not work, you begin to hear the first sounds of the band, nerves are increasing far and we see them down Main Street and Portal, the workers quickly removed the marble plaque that hides the engine, this does not work, the procession enters Avenue Castalla finally decide that one must enter the small room where you find the engine and manually roll the monument, is chosen as sr. Bernabe Martinez aka "Rabbit" at the same time get the red car approaching the crossing Sempere the new bypass, the new intersection of streets dedicated to the creators of the first industries in Onil wristbands, Marriage Juan Mora and Marriage Look Garcia , seconds after the procession arrives. Sempere

not only on their first day of life, the monument suffered anecdotes, but throughout its short history (only 27) has been victim of nicknames (like "Umbrella " " Cilindrin "...) and location has changed for various reasons.
Finally, the last trip of the monument was in 1999, to put in place today, presiding over the entrance plaza of the Cultural Center, this time the mechanism was repaired and the May 25 the opening day of the culture house sculpture turned to spin, so if automatically, but the movement did not last long, as they connected a few times later.
Only months after disoriented some vehicles wanted it down, then during the early years was deteriorating, twisting and separating
some modules because of the strong wind that was sweeping the area.

a few years was dismantled, saving their pieces in their stores council in 1987 to install (this time as fixed sculpture) in the gardens surrounding the shrine of Our Lady of Health with the street is named after its creator.

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