The following article is prepared by specialists in tapirs.
always think why the arguments of the recommendations for a species can not adapt and be relevant to other species?.
Saving the obvious differences.
Interference in Individual and Population Health
intervention on the health of wild populations is controversial. Any prophylactic or therapeutic intervention should be considered taking into account the balance of the ecosystem, the conservation of species and evolutionary processes that occur continuously . There is no rule for determining when the veterinarian or not to intervene in the health a wild animal. Anyway, if you take the final decision to intervene, the veterinarian must ensure that this action does not involve any risk to the survival the rest of the population or ecosystem stability (eg the use of vaccines live, selection of resistant bacteria etc.)
is logical to address injuries that were caused by the capture of the animal or handling when the animal is injured in the trap, dogs, injuries Chronic use of radio collars etc. However, treatment of injuries related to capture is much more controversial . One can argue that the treatment of these lesions involves interference with the natural process of death and evolution, while one of the pillars of conservation philosophy is to ensure that the evolutionary process continue its natural balance. However, one can argue that these lesions are probably indirect consequences of stress in the population due to human interference and that treating these injuries would be exactly minimize interference.
argument is that in small towns, where the death of an individual may have
serious consequences on the population justifies the emergency treatment and veterinary intervention of the few individuals who are in the population.
vaccination protocols, if necessary, should be done with care, using only inactivated vaccines or vaccines that have been previously validated for use in tapirs. Some vaccines that could be used include Tetanus, Bovine rhinotracheitis y Encéfalomielitis Equina.
El traslado de individuos de alto valor genético puede ser considerado durante situaciones de alto riesgo epidémico. Estos individuos pueden ser transferidos a cautiverio o áreas de bajo riesgo, siguiendo las recomendaciones del IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group (TSG) Protocolos Experimentales para la Reintroducción y Translocación de Tapires.
IUCN/SSC Grupo especialista de tapires (tsg) comité veterinario. Manual veterinario de campo
para tapirs. June 2007.
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