"The Cave" is located on the estate to which it gives name, west of Onil, after the Polygon dels vasal "Biar direction. The farm belongs to the family Balaguer, and was for many summers resting place of Eusebio Sempere and inspiration as well as their final resting place.

archaeological cave was located as members of the EC of Alcoy the January 11, 1970, by a series of actions whose history and results were not published, However between Hiker Center records found collection of work done in the cave, which we reproduce for the record the effort and commitment of those who worked there and especially Vicente Espí promoter.

"After numerous and strenuous efforts had to be terminated while the case closed, work that began with high hopes, but every Sunday has been sapping the spirits of who fought with such faith, with the apparent lack of ability to finish what at first appeared very interesting.

It began on the morning of Sunday, January 11, 1970, when a group of cavers belonging to the CEA SE formed by V. Spi, R. Linares and G. Gisbert visiting prospecting by Onil lands in search of the gulf de Balaguer, townspeople mistakenly sent them to a farm whose owner was called "Bala" and there is a cave.
In view of the same and given the situation and how it has to be inhabited, corroborating the find of a piece of Neolithic pottery, no doubt thinking it would be interesting for Archaeology. Therefore
and given the interest that was born, a new Sunday, 25 of the same month, became V. Spi his daughter, but this time claim the assistance of H. Garcia (CEA virtually archaeologist) who accompanied with his family, that will confirm the potential importance and marvel of large proportions of the cave and confirming that Archaeologically was very interesting because it met all the conditions conducive details met.

findings encourage people of CEA and organized expeditions a large staff on days 1, 8 and February 15 and March 8, 1970.
With tools that were most appropriate, it was digging a ditch in the cavity, but unfortunately had the illusion that every Sunday was fading to find no remains of any age. However, in the little upper cave has been excavated always has got something, bones, pottery, etc.. unimportant but because they believe it is removed and towed.

We feel this decision, given the conditions it meets the cave is quite possible that there are reflected all cultures since the Lower Paleolithic to those when men decided to leave the cave. "
By V. Alcoy CE Espí
GENESIS has been discussed on this subject and there are several theories that have been targeted for while one part is believed that the origin of this cavity is of the type mentioned vadose and that although its genesis starts based on the major fault that runs through the southern part of the mountain, must in principle be a drain and crumble the bottom of the mountain, appeared after excavating the cave also streams throughout the cluster vestiges of which still appear on the walls.
Another theory says that the cave is rather original table, observándose en el techo de la pequeña cueva que existe en el estrato superior formas típicas redondeadas.
Si tenemos en cuenta que los fósiles hallados en los estratos son de origen marino, el macizo, un día inundado, tuvo que salir del agua las cuales irían alcanzando un nivel en el mismo y dado que la cueva se encuentra en el fondo de la media luna que origina el barranco, muy bien fueron las aguas marinas o los lagos posteriores que hubieron en la comarca quienes excavaron en la roca. Ello lo corrobora el hecho de que en la cueva no existen prácticamente formaciones de carbonato de calcio. De abrirse la cavidad por presión vertical de las aguas hipogeas, dado que todo el macizo superior está formado por calizas, al venir contribution above the water in more or less always have formed concretions, as in tiny lava stalactites and tiny for some measures there is little upwelling. In the same way stalactites and lava flows have been higher if more entries were vertical water with enough force to widen the cracks in the failure to form the cavity. We therefore think that the genesis of the cave is horizontal erosion of the forces attacked and entered one day by the side flank.

Texts and photographs taken from the page http://www.cuevasalicante.com/
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