Friday, April 8, 2011

Monster Energy Helsinki

Towards an approach to the political structure of the Franco I

The text below express some fundamental differences between the system being built in the rebellious side, and simultaneously takes place in the Republican. What do you think about it?

Arrival war to a very advanced and successful next time, urgent and undertake the great task of peace, crystallizing in the new state thought and style of our national revolution. Joined by a thought and a common discipline, the English all have to take their place in the great task. (...) This unification needs to take into account that (...).
Requetes English Falange and the two exponents are authentic spirit of the national uprising started by our glorious army on July 17.
Like other totalitarian countries, the traditional strength comes new strength. English Falange with its program provided youth masses, the Requetes (...) [provided], together with its momentum warrior, the sacred deposit English tradition (...). For all these reasons, I ORDER:
Article 1. Requetes English Falange and with their existing services and components are integrated under my leadership, in a single national political entity, which is now called Traditionalist English Falange de las JONS This organization, intermediate between the company and the state has the primary mission of informing the state and the breath of people to carry it the thought that through the political and moral virtues, service, hierarchy and brotherhood (...). Other organizations are dissolved and political parties.
Article 2. governing bodies will be the new political entity the Head of State, a Secretariat or Policy Board and the National Council (...)
Article 3 is merged into a single National Military those Falange Requetes English and, retaining their emblems and exterior signs (...). The Military is an auxiliary of the Army. The Head of State is the Supreme Commander of the Militia (...).
in Salamanca Since April 19 of 1937 .-
FRANCISCO FRANCO, Official State Bulletin (Burgos), April 20, 1937.

If the rebel faction real political structure, from the time of the uprising, was limited to dictatorial power of the military, were not absent from his political problems in the pursuit of hegemony and the definition of war aims.
The forces that contributed to the military uprising, but socially homogeneous, they were not politically because it reproduced the previous spectrum, monarchists, Carlist right corporatist tradition of Primo, without clearly defined military policy, etc., forming a conglomerate difficult amalgam.
Power was awarded, in principle, briefly, a National Defense Council installed in Burgos, composed exclusively of military and structured under military jurisdiction: grade and seniority. After that was the hand and the political opinion of the situation becomes Emilio Mola. Its president was the oldest general, Miguel Cabanellas. On July 28 declared the state of war.
There were two events with powerful influence over the political course of the rebels: military successes of the Army under the command of Franco and political conditions resulting from the decisive help of the fascist powers.
Based on the first, the appointment of Franco advented to exercise the supreme command, following the famous meetings around Salamanca in late September with a formula that brought together military and political power in a dictatorship. That began the process leading to development of the New State .
            Los altos dirigentes de la sublevación divergían en cuanto al futuro político y el régimen a establecer. Los había, como Mola, que ni iban más allá de un directorio militar transitorio; los había proclives a la Monarquía con mayores o menores ropajes corporativistas; los había fascistas de estricta observancia. La Monarquía legitimista o carlista contaba con muchas menos posibilidades.
            vested with all powers, Franco appointed a State Technical Board, now in military and civilian, who worked as a cabinet, but under strict control, while Franco operated from its headquarters. However, since January 1937, began political maneuvering before a long-expected war, embarked on existing groups.
English Falange and the Traditionalist Communion were most had contributed to channel a large mass of fighters into the rebellion. The development of a political solution capable of giving a war ideological content and structure was different influences on the one-party fascist model (this was the second event of the identified influential) and was due to Ramon Serrano Suner.
The Unification of April 19, 1937, created the FET de las JONS party, whose leadership Franco was attributed to the title of Caudillo . The traditional ruling class, under a new political garb, ensured its perpetuation.
Arostegui, Julio (1983) "The Civil War in Spain" in DE LA TORRE, Rosario PECHARROMAN GIL, Julio, and others. English Civil War. Madrid: History 16. Pp. 96-98.

DOCUMENT 29: militarization of the Nationalist side.
Article I: The senior leadership of the columns and forces operating in areas where contact with the enemy may appoint an interim basis, the civil authorities of cities, towns and provinces to address, under the direct command of the military occupation authority, address the problems of civil order raised and cooperate with it in order them to resolution problems of accommodation and equipment of the forces.
Article two: By being insured's occupation of the province or town and have ceased to be its territory or area of \u200b\u200bthe vanguard of the army, observe the following rules:
to ) The military authorities will be the higher authority, through the direct jurisdiction of the civil and administrative authorities, all issues that are unique, except for those relating to public policy. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the civil authority may perform those tasks that the military authority who rely expressly delegated.
( Gazette, February 19, 1937).
Moradiellos, Enrique (2004). 1936: Myths of the Civil War. Barcelona: Península Atalaya. Pp. 113-114.
inertia probably more usual with the aim of maintaining feelings certainly gone forever and they were only encouraged by a bold minority, which has been defeated and fled from the National Spain, still Cooperative some of the Basque provinces remain [...] its statutes or regulations written in Basque language, though almost always listed together its translation into English.
And being absolutely necessary for the English national feeling and expresses no doubts or hesitation of any genre, a very special way in the spirit and acts of state-related entities, a fact that no conflict with the respect they may deserve the use of dialects in private family relationships, [...], I have decided as follows:
1 º. It is strictly forbidden to use another language other than Castilian in titles, corporate names, statutes or regulations and the calling and holding meetings or assemblies of the entities that depend on this ministry.
2 º. The entities concerned by it shall undertake appropriate modifications of those names, regulations or statutes [...]
(BO of May 26, 1937).
SOURCE: Diaz Plaja, Fernando (1969): The war in Spain in their documents. Ediciones GP pp. 269-270.

In order to regulate the national militia service and auxiliary forces, how valuable cooperation are providing Army forces in defense of the homeland, and to determine the dependency relationships, obligations and duties of personnel belonging to the same,
Art 1 º. All auxiliary forces mobilized militias and are subject to the Code of Military Justice in all its parts.
2 º. The auxiliary forces referred to the previous article that guarnezcan fronts or provinces, will be under the command of the military authorities.
3 º. An auxiliary force to mobilize militia or may not be demobilized without permission or authorization expresses the general manager and can not be removed from the position where they provide service, without the prior permission of the military authority that directly depends.
4 º. All military formations or groups of militias or armed auxiliary forces will be ordered and framed by army commanders and officers, and officers to supplement the Army, formed in schools or military dependent. [...]
6 º. The auxiliary forces to provide law enforcement services in towns or villages in the rear, its procedures shall be subject to the Civil Guard primer [...].
Section 9. In the various military schools established for the empowerment campaign lieutenants are a number of places reserved for staff of the militias that aspire to the exercise of such employment, which at the end to use of their studies and practices will be preferred to cover the places of employment in the militia of origin.
Section 10. The fates of leaders and officials of auxiliary forces or armed militias will be allowed by the War Department, at the request of the respective organizations, or on arrival forced by war, if necessary.
in Salamanca Since December 20 of 1936.
Gazette , 21-XII-1936
SOURCE: Diaz Plaja, Fernando (1969): The war in Spain in their documents. Ediciones GP pp. 190-191.


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