Friday, April 8, 2011

Funny Bbq Invitation Wording

Elements of National-Catholicism

Here are some texts on key elements of National Catholicism. As you see, it is representative texts. What do you think of your content? What relationship do you think that is the concept of Franco we are trying profiling?

The National Defense Council restored religious education in national schools, by its Order No. 168. Anxiously asked this reform Nationalist Spain. Imperatively demanded the educational needs of children English.
This reset does not mean only that the teacher is limited to dedicate one or more sessions per week to the teaching of the Catechism and Sacred History. This is essential, but much more needs has to be to make the school environment to be fully influenced and guided by the doctrine of the Crucified.
The restoration of the crucifix in schools, so solemnly held in all villages of the regions by our glorious army reconquered mean not only that the secular school of the Soviet regime nominally Catholic replace the National School. It is necessary that the readings discussed in the teaching of Science, to History, Geography, you take any issue to infer moral and religious implications. The teaching of religion has to form Christian children, with clear ideas, with specific rules for the present and for future action. [...] The consequence of this religious environment, which has to wrap School education has to be the corporation's mandatory attendance for all children and teachers in national schools in holy days of obligation, the parish church, set the proper time according to the ecclesiastical authority. The Gospel will be read often, and inevitably every Saturday, explaining the next day dominica. The Church's social doctrine, contained in the encyclical Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno, serve to instill in children the idea of \u200b\u200blove and social fellowship to get rid of the blind hatred materialistic solvent of all civilization and culture.

SOURCE: Diaz Plaja, Fernando (1969): The war in Spain in their documents. Ediciones GP page. 380.

is doing this to the distinguished members of the Committees purification of teachers the importance of the sacred mission which is now in your hands. To think that the prospect of a resurgence of Spain as best we lived contemplating these years, is in direct proportion to the justice and conscientiousness to put in the clearance of the Magisterium in all grades, says it all.
The character of the Debug is now pursuing is not only punitive but also preventive. It is necessary to ensure the English, who with arms in hand and without wrangling blood sacrifice and save the cause of civilization, will not tolerate, much less to protect and subsidize those who poison the soul of the people first and largest responsible for all the crimes and destruction to overwhelm the world and planted in mourning the honest majority of households in Spain. not for Commissions purification penalties applying the codes point to the authors by induction, being reserved this power to the courts, but to propose the separation of their functions inexorable master of those directly or indirectly contributed to sustain and propagate parties, ideology and institutions called the Popular Front. The individuals who make up these revolutionary hordes, whose excesses both cause fear, are simply the spiritual children of professors and teachers through institutions such as the so-called Free Education, forged generations incredulous and anarchic. If you want to make fruitful the blood of our martyrs is necessary resolutely fight the system followed for more than a century to honor and praise to uplifting the poor, while the punishments were reserved for victims of mass deception. Three
Commissions proposals may make treatment plants, according to the Order of November 10, namely:
1 º. Acquittal for those who have vanished jeopardized charges have cooperated directly or indirectly to the formation of the revolutionary atmosphere.
2 º. Transfer for those who, being professional and morally unimpeachable, have sympathized with the nationalist parties entitled Basque, Catalan, Navarre, Galicia, etc.. without having any direct or indirect separatist communist subversion.
3 º. Definitive separation of service for all who have fought in the Popular Front parties or secret societies, especially after the October Revolution and in a general way, those who have sympathized with them or direct their teaching or professional performance Similarly the reported solvent.
Commissions purification, addressing any particular authority or on demand reporting, this should make the serious responsibility they are taking to God and to his country by hiding certain points, when they fail to distort the facts, using mental reservation or reprehensible extemporaneous sentimentality. It also has to fight and make public, for an everlasting shame that such a lack of citizenship incurred by the name of persons alleging unfair to ignore the facts or people who care about the reports. It would be unworthy of the heroism of our officers, soldiers and volunteers on the fire lines defy death dreaming of a Spain better correspond with the cowardice and lack of civic courage of people who enjoy the peace of the rearguard.
If all who are part of the Commissions purification interpenetrate in this way of thinking and patriotic contagion transmitted to those have to contribute to its work with reports, is something absolutely certain that before long, in Spain we see today is destroyed, impoverished, mourning, once restored his genius and national tradition, we will dawn in joyous dawn of a new century gold for the glory of Christianity and Civilization of Spain.
( BOE of December 10, 1936).

SOURCE: Diaz Plaja, Fernando (1969): The war in Spain in their documents. Ediciones GP pp. 166-168.


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