An apparently similar problem but two diametrically opposed positions in Neuquen and Rio Black
Neuquén February 22, 2010.
The Center Neuquén Applied Ecology, under the Secretariat of Tourism the Province, reported that after carrying out various actions developed a project called "Development, implementation and monitoring of strategies prevention and control of small livestock predation in the Province of Neuquén, "which will be implemented from this year
As reported by Paul and Martin Hualde Monteverde, this body, "This project aims to implement and evaluate prevention and control strategies to reduce the damage by predation on small livestock, provides for ecological studies of predators and prey and involvement of producer groups and their organizations to address the problem from an institutional perspective. "
added that this program includes training and outreach to rural populations and the different actors in direct contact with the conflict, the implementation of strategies and techniques for selective removal of the "predator problem " and implementation and evaluation of preventive methods, including the improvement of pens to increase the protection of livestock during the night.
The puma (Puma concolor) is the largest native carnivore in the Patagonian region and as such fulfills important ecological functions such as predator. In the last ten or fifteen years began to see much of the province of Neuquén an increase in the density of these cats and the reappearance of the species in sectors which had disappeared for decades, particularly toward the east, causing increasing conflict with the production livestock and a large number of casualties in the small livestock, mainly sheep and goat flocks, seriously affecting small rural economies.
A technical understanding of the CEAN , "this increase in mountain lions may have been influenced by the decline of rural human population and the decline of the wool market in the '80s, which led to changes in livestock management and the near eradication of the sheep from the fields of southern Neuquén, thereby reducing the level of persecution they suffered this cat before. "
A report Hualde by Monteverde and explained that something similar to what happened to the cougar has happened also with red and gray foxes (Lycalopex culpaeus and Lycalopex griseus) "whose densities have been increasing since the beginning of the monitoring in 1989, possibly because to lower hunting pressure by reducing the demand for fur. " Acknowledged that "these changes have a strong impact on small livestock in recent years causing serious damage to the crianceros and growing demand for solutions to the provincial government."
In this situation, the province of Neuquén made a través del CEAN estudios que incluían la estimación de la densidad relativa de zorros desde 1989, con el objeto de monitorear su tendencia poblacional a lo largo del tiempo, relacionándolo con la presión de caza existente y la percepción de daño de los productores. En el caso del puma no existen estudios de mediano a largo plazo sobre su ecología en Patagonia noroeste; el estudio de las tendencias poblacionales del puma requiere de extensos trabajos en terreno, debido a que sus hábitos nocturnos y la baja densidad poblacional hacen sumamente difícil la observación.
Desde el año 2008 comenzaron a coordinarse acciones tendientes a contrarrestar the growing damage caused by predators on small livestock, the first activities were aimed to evaluate in situ the situation through talks and interviews and to disseminate information among the staff of the agencies involved and between producers on aspects of the biology of carnivorous and different alternatives for prevention and control.
Some of these activities were: the visit of Dr. Gerald Brown of Wildlife Department Montana, who in early 2009 gave a lecture at the headquarters of the Sociedad Rural of control pumas, maintained an active exchange with experts from the provincial governments, national parks and NGOs provided training sy field techniques. This visit was sponsored by Partners of the Americas .
addition meetings were held with farmers in areas with the highest rate of complaints of injury, set between the CEAN , Warden and staff of the Secretariat of Economic Development.
administrative processes were reviewed in order to expedite the authorization process control game, the Game Warden Corps implemented a fixed place in a rural area near the town of San Patricio del Chañar , in order to verify allegations quickly and efficiently implement damage hunting control.
The CEAN collaborated with the Foundation for Wildlife Conservation (WCS ) studies on the use of herding dogs as an alternative to cattle protection developed in the area of \u200b\u200bAuca Mahuida, and participated in the development of material disclosure.
them emerged Activities "Development, implementation and monitoring of strategies for prevention and control of priority of small livestock in the province of Neuquén," which will be implemented from this year.
Source page of the Province of Neuquén.
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