Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Change The Combination Luggage Lock Brookstone

Peruvian Peruvian II I II


The Andean condor (Vultur gryphus ) is a species of bird Cathartidae family. Lives in the Andes and the adjacent coasts of South America to the Pacific Ocean and is the largest bird in the entire hemisphere Occidental.1
is a large black vulture, with white feathers around the neck and parts of the wings, especially the males. The head lacks feathers and red, and can change tone according to the emotional state of the bird. Unlike most birds of prey, the male is larger than the female.
is primarily a scavenger, feeding on carrion. Prefer large carcasses such as deer or cows. It reaches sexual maturity at five or six years and nests between 3,000 and 5,000 meters, usually in inaccessible rock formations. Usually put one or two eggs a year. It is one of the longest-lived birds, can reach the age of 50 years.
is a national symbol of Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Peru and Chile, and has an important role in the folklore and mythology of the Andean regions of South America. The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists as the most threatened species, as they mourn the loss of habitat and secondary poisoning by eating some prey killed by hunters. Several countries initiated captive breeding programs.

The Andean Condor was described in 1758 by Carolus Linnaeus in the tenth edition of Systema naturae, and retains the original binomial nomenclature gryphus Vultur. It is sometimes called the Argentine Condor, Chilean Condor, Condor Bolivian, Colombian Condor, Condor Peruvian or Ecuadorian Condor reference to countries where they live. Vultur The generic term comes from the Latin vultur or Volture , which means "vulture". This in turn derives from the ancient Greek word γρυπός ( groups, "hooked beak"). In turn, the condor is from the Quechua word, kuntur .

Description .
The Andean condor is recognized as the largest flying bird in the world. And it has more wing area. Adults measuring up to 142 cm tall and between 270 and 330 cm wingspan, and weigh from 11 to 15 kg for males and 8 females to 11 kg. They have the bare head and relatively small, usually colored red, though this may change depending on the mood of the animal, very cutting-edge peak and ended hook. The wings are long and wide, and feet, not prehensile, have short nails and some curves, and the high posterior insertion of the finger. They are adapted for walking and for holding the carcass. They reach sexual maturity at about eight years. The plumage of both sexes is brown in successive moults to reach the characteristic blue-black plumage adults. A broad white band stands on the back of the wings and a crisp white collar not completely closed in front, protects the bare skin of the neck.
Males have a crest or caruncle and folds in the face and neck become enlarged with age. Achieve greater weight and size than females and their eyes are brown. The females have no crest even as the males have folds. His eyes are red.
is also one of the birds that fly at higher altitudes, using the vertical rising thermals of warm air can be relatively easily climb the 7000 meters, then you can plan for hundreds of kilometers planning the territory almost without moving outstretched wings, the condor consumes very little power and thanks to its thick plumage can withstand freezing temperatures.
should be noted that (as with the storks) Condors are virtually silent to have stunted the syrinx.

Condors usually feeds on dead animals. When you find the carrion, the condors will not descend to eat immediately, but they are limited to fly over or land on any place where this is clear. One or two days can pass before finally approaching. Begin feeding on the most accessible or soft bodies, ie, eyes, tongue, anus, udder or testicles, abdomen and groin. With his strong, sharp peaks and open tear the skins tissues which facilitates further utilization of the piece by smaller scavengers. A condor may eat about 5 pounds of meat a day and also can fast up to five weeks.

caves usually choose to nest in large vertical rock walls, protected from the wind and weather. The dimensions of the nests are highly variable. Lay the single egg directly on the sandy substrate of the caves in depression which have created a pressing his chest against the substrate. Also used the peak to give final shape to the edges of it. This behavior has been observed especially in males.

roost. The
roosts shared by adult, sub-adults and juveniles of both sexes are generally located on high cliffs and protected from rain, wind and potential predators. In most cases observed preferred roosts and perches, and thus played, are those who receive early sunlight. Since the carcass is distributed randomly, the animals used repeatedly several sites rest or overnight depending on the availability of food in the area reaching levels of up to 124 individuals.

In natural environment, one of the least known aspects of the condor is the question of reproduction. Condors are basically monogamous, meaning that choosing a mate and stay with it for life. Only if one of us dies, the other seeks a new partner. The reproductive cycle of the condor, including courtship, mating, incubation and chick lift up their emancipation takes about two years. The species is the incubation period longer in birds of prey, at the time of estrus or heat commonly reddish color of the skin of the head are yellowing. After 56 to 60 days of incubation shared the chick is born which is fed by both parents with regurgitated meat. At six months and try to take their first flights in the immediate area to their place of birth and nine the juvenile is ready to accompany their parents on their flights. Assimilates them basic ancestral knowledge for survival. After a year and a half or two joins the local population, and dispute a place in the carrion

Phylogeny. Although
until relatively recently classified the condors and vultures, now notice that your lineage is closer to that of storks and herons despite the evolutionary divergence has distanced them greatly in appearance and habits. Perhaps Argentinavis magnificiens be among the ancestors of the condors, what is proven is that the condors colonize their territories from the cold areas located in southern South America, the increase of the Andes biotopes with extended cold weather to present-day Colombia and Venezuela and even further north (California for example).

Distribution .
The Andean condor is distributed along the Andes, from southern Tierra del Fuego (Argentina and Chile) to the west of Venezuela, the maximum area of \u200b\u200bspread to the east is located in Argentina reaching Atlantic Ocean in the provinces of Santa Cruz, Chubut and Rio Black, then touches the mountains found in the western province of La Pampa and the Sierras de Córdoba (occasionally been reported in the Sierra de la Ventana is located in the southeast of Buenos Aires province). However, Venezuela was declared extinct, and in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador natural populations have declined. From
1800, their distribution and number throughout South America has declined considerably, becoming endangered, the reason for this decline has been the extermination of human hands in the belief that the condors hunt and live cattle certain parts of your body have therapeutic or magical powers. Ascertained the survival in the wild condors in 2784 divided between Argentina and Chile to 2500 copies, Peru with 120, north of Peru with 50 (no data in the south), Colombia with 100 and Venezuela with 14 (population settled after Releases with specimens from captive breeding as previously had been extinguished in 1965). In Bolivia records are lacking.

status of the species population .
Since December 1997 are being carried out reintroduction of condors in their former range from ex situ breeding , reaching the 65 releases. Of these only three were killed by shooting, poisoning and electrocution.
All released are fitted with satellite transmitters with solar panels that can be monitored throughout the Andes. This technique was used for the first time with these birds.

The Andean condor populations have suffered in recent decades an alarming decline throughout their mountainous distribution. Unfortunately there are no reliable historical censuses for each country that would allow a perfectly clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe situation. However the condition of the species has become critical in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, countries that make up the Northern Andes.
In Colombia and Venezuela are being carried out today reforestation projects in areas historically inhabited by condors and which were removed in the s. XX. Based on the research of historical records, we can say that the population density of the species was always lower at the northern end of its range (North Andes) compared to southern countries, perhaps due in part to countries such as Bolivia, Chile and Argentina have relatively unpopulated vast territories of humans and excellent habitat for species.

mysticism of his death .
The Incas believed that the condor was immortal. Account as myth, when the animal begins to feel old and that his forces will end up, sits on the highest peak in and out of the mountains, folds its wings, takes up the legs and dropped to the bottom against the bottom of streams, where it ends his reign. This death is symbolic, since this act the condor returns to the nest, the mountains, from where it is reborn into a new cycle, a new life. The condor symbolizing the strength, intelligence and exaltation or excitement. An animal was respected by all who lived in the Andes since pre-Hispanic times, as it not only brought good and bad omens, but was also responsible for the sun rose every morning, because his energy was able to take the star and lift over the mountains starting the life cycle.

national symbol appears as the armorial bearings the Republics of Chile (force), Colombia (Liberty and Order), Ecuador (power, grandeur and value) and Bolivia (search horizons.

Source Legends Park Lima Peru. 2011.

Source limits). Also appearing on the coat of Hispanic represented


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