Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fibroid Causing Meralgia Paresthetica

1919. As we changed ...

In the newspaper "El Liberal", edition of Madrid of July 18, 1919, appeared an extensive report in its "Industrial Spain" on Onil of those fruitful years. In my opinion, is priceless, as is explained in all details as was the local economy at that time, through agriculture landowners, the famous "oliveto of Cuquello" a budding industry and somewhat wrist forgotten "drugs medicinal. "This article can also extract the entrepreneurial spirit and constant colivenc somewhat forgotten and so needed in these times, as well as thought and action of the employer to its workers.

then fully transcribed The report, which each draw their own conclusions ....

Onil (Alicante)
Alicante province is among the most industrious of Spain. It is a proof Elche, with his sandals; Jijona, with nougat, Crevillente, Alcoy and other villages, in which we work assiduously and buzz of the hive.
As will be seen, Onil is the localities that are more laborious to honor this tradition.
is located in the foothills of the mountain and overlooking a valley of splendid beauty. Has 3000 inhabitants and belongs to the jurisdiction of Jijona. To reach Onil
we stopped in Biar, and a trap we walked the five miles that separates them from this people distracted by the beauty of the landscape, and the stories of assault and remains not far away was telling us the Tartaneros.
At the entrance to the town we saw a beautiful building preceded by a splendid garden, and to ask after a friend of ours gave us news of its owner
is the head of the local political forces and nephew of the late Cardinal Paya, archbishop of Toledo. I am a friend of the house, told us, if you want I can submit.
"the gentlemen went for a walk and have not yet become"
- Wait, "answered our representative," and we do get into a parlor. Shortly after
are two beautiful girls.
- Dad has to take, they tell us, because the carriage, by accident, is being detained in a road .- Events are coming: a student-looking young man, a woman of gentle and aristocratic bearing, they indicate the desirability of postponing our visit comes a gentleman.
- D. Jose Maria Paya and Alonso de Medina said our complacent friend. Mr. Payá
welcomes us with the simple courtesy of the men of the world. We talked about various issues and we are in full rural life in an atmosphere of culture and luxury courtier family that makes us in our travels through Andalusia. Mr. Payá
resides in Onil because, while satisfying their inclinations and tastes, we
eg RMIT care and improvement of their farms.
All cultures of their land by scientific procedures carried out with modern machinery. Among his possessions, the so-called "Casa Mosen Juan" you have two poor gas engines 32 and 40 horses, bringing water from wells to 28 meters and placed in a large capacity tank, which drains the entire length of the property. It makes it all the crops peculiar to this region, mainly vineyards, leading to the production of excellent wines, which include as a supplier of real house, olive groves, whose olives are prepared in the style of the country and exported , and making excellent refined oils. In their farms and aggressive Benejama do the same jobs.

Mr. Payá is very significant in the region and political affiliate Villajoyosa's conservative party and gentle man-Jijona camera with exercise and servitude.
(photo: Family of Don Jose Maria Paya Alonso De Medina, near the gardens of the Casa De L'Hort during the holidays of the years 20)


is a typical industry Onil, which has a well earned reputation in Spain and English America, having reached an improvement that has put his art out-of-all competition.


This prestigious industrial has purchased the first of February this year the great factory of dolls D. Eduardo Juan, founded in 1890 and has become one of the industries of more credit and more interesting for our nation. Mr. Merin
Taking a cardboard factory in Cocentaina, and these being the most important raw material for the manufacture of dolls, it is clear that, combined with their vast resources, is able to sustain the high reputation of the factory newly purchased and expand their manufacturing. Accompanied by the enlightened
managing director D. Manuel Blanquer, stepson of Mr. Merin, we toured the factory. It is a great building, with large and numerous departments, with excellent conditions of space, light and ventilation. While Mr. Blanquer
gives us the explanation of premises and equipment, think of the ignorance we have of what is now Spain, for even us, we should be well informed, we look at everything with naive surprise of the traveler who has made a wonderful discovery.
Before that sea of \u200b\u200bmachines that punched legs, arms, backs and heads, of the thousands of blue eyes, brown, green and black, curly hair of soft and dark suits, shoes, hats, ornaments and ribbons, we are disoriented, and want to set our impressions to our companion confusing, because Mr. Blanquer until earlier this year has been devoted to advocacy, and anyone army of dolls that are forged under his leadership, are interrelated, Celera, dress and finally take the words and attitudes Children should produce some stunning still causing passers lost output to the vociferous crowd of school kids.
If you have this, to be built 1,144 models of dolls, the eyes, placed in boxes, shelves hold large, that the pretty heads are grouped by size into large masses that fabrics, kid, ribbons, buttons and all necessary for the suits occupies a space for a proper setting, and work clothing section twenty Singer machines, you will understand what we say.
Cash deposit, coal, drugs, varnishes, glues, brushes, wire strands, workshops for the manufacture of cajería of cardboard, wooden crates for shipping, and other various departments individually and collectively leave the impression of a first-class manufacturing center in the organized labor noise contrasts sharply with the silence of empty streets and quiet peace of this tranquil valley.
But where the factory has achieved a high reputation is unsurpassed in the manufacture of dolls price of artistic beauty. Silky hair, floating braided porcelain faces, with delicate colors, movable eyes and torn, bodies articulated with lightweight wood legs, arms, hands and feet, which lend themselves to more natural and diverse attitudes, and dressed in rich fabrics, according to patterns of the latest fashion, and above all a creative art and suggestive. Of these dolls are made to the size of a girl of eight years.
The factory of Mr. Merin, the first established in this town, and perhaps in the region, reaching its current flowering has nationalized an industry of which we were foreign tax, and has expanded its name and its business throughout America English and Oceania. It employs 150 workers, mostly women, working with artists of real ability, and it is fair to note that these workers' Onil, Levantine beauty, are admired for their ways of absolute morality.
is unfortunate that a manufacturing center as Onil no electric power, urban phone and easy communication to your transport, it has to find the line of rail in Villena, which is 20 kilometers. As always. It is noted that governmental action does not respond to the initiative of the governed.

(reproduction of the image displayed on the eyewear maker of Francisco D. Merin)

doll factory is another remarkable for one of the spatiality of manufacture. It is a doll similar to that of porcelain, which offer the same delicate appearance and beauty, has the immense advantage of this to be truly unbreakable, so very little time has conquered all the trade gives the peninsula and is in high demand for export. This special manufacturing
has added the wrist of cardboard called "Pepona", and also has a high profile in the construction and incomparable scenery the doll called Baby.
Mr. Molina was established in 1917, and its many industry knowledge will enable it to great advantage over those who try to imitate. Here
we had and wanted to devote a reminder to the bookkeeper of Mr. Molina has been with us helpful, accommodating and attentive, but the moment that we do not give your surname and our efforts are useless. The ingratitude of our memory is left to Friend D. Luis of the projected attack on his modesty.

has founded this doll factory in 1918 by Mr Cyril, Robert, Edward and Victoriano Blanquer.
build all kinds of porcelain dolls and cardboard babys. The fact of having been the last two gentlemen mentioned notable architects for a long time in the factory is now Mr. Merin, and that contributed to its prestige, has established that have been placed at the forefront among manufacturers .
His wrists are of great originality and beauty care construction in every detail.

We had the pleasure of visiting this rich owner, who enthusiastically the industrial development of its people, has set up a doll factory, which devotes all the time it frees agriculture. Built
subject to all the precepts of hygiene in the premises of the workers and other facilities, the factory of Mr. John is also the largest in its field Onil, which is manufacturing the wrist "chubby." Prettiest babys also builds you to delight thousands of children, while those of their parents, as this plant is distinguished by very cheap prices to sell their products. The beautiful premises of the two factories that have merged this man are full of operatives, laborious ants, which, under his intelligence and paternal leadership of Mr. Juan, built millions of dolls, which are spread throughout Spain, Portugal and American republics.
Asked about the profits of their industries, Mr. John we have answered: "All my efforts are aimed at selling a lot, with little profit, and give my workers the best salary possible. I think I've got and I'm happy. "
We left, admiring this true sir, that only aspires to the enhancement of its commercial reputation and improve the lot of workers who have at your command. It is a bookkeeper and director of the factory the distinguished and intelligent young D. José González Zorrilla souls of all the work and identified with the spirit and approach your boss.

Cuquillo Olives. VICENTE GARCIA

there who gives more importance to this industry Onil marinating olives to the construction of dolls, basing it will be very rare in the family of people not engaged in this trade more or less scale. Water thyme salt and behold all the ingredients that make these olives a nice side dish and a healthy snack.
for its delicious taste, healthy preparation and cost much more moderate than the Seville, these olives are widely consumed in the entire region from the east, Morocco French and North America.
D. Vicente Garcia is what has given this industry and trade development deexportación a more regular and commercial, entering relationships with buyers from Spain, Morocco and America, and preparing the olives with a dedication that has made the means of production not respond to the great development that could get this traffic.
A significant number of these Cuquillo olives, marinated after they are dried, are exported in sacks style for transportation, and water turns to regain his first appearance, but have become undone.

D. Vicente García, besides this industrial relief, is being a very distinguished doctor in the town.

The same holds that Onil known today for its beautiful dolls and excellent olives, it was in the not distant for the development of trade in drugs. Onil
The druggists took their specific medications and drugs across Levante thick, noon and within Spain, reaching its forays commercial Leon.
Mr. Poveda is the only representative of this business, has not fluctuated more than transport, which today is done by train and before that to drive. Sell \u200b\u200ball kinds of medicinal drugs and SPECIFICATIONS, and has a large clientele in Spain.

knowing the great benefit to retailers selling dolls and all kinds of toy stores. We have seen that the manufacturers of Onil are great people and understand the need to improve the status of their workers in accordance with the requirements of the times, eroding the profit nil, will achieve the purposes stated.
would only need a collective agreement is desirable should be made. DM


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